MONEY has been in greater demand throughout the week on ac- count or the remittances to America, the last quotation of the ex- change from New York being 104.
The result here has been a larger inquiry for accommodation in anticipation of a rise in the rate of discount, which has in effect been realized, the Bank of England directors, at their sitting yesterday, having come to a speedy and unanimous decision in favour of an altera- tion in their minimum terms to 6 per cent. Whether this will have the effect of stopping the flow of gold re- mains to be seen, and until we have seen the Bank Return, it will be impossible to form an opinion. Consols have stood at 91i, 92 for Account 6th June, all the week until this afternoon, when some heavy sates caused a decline to 911, 91} at which price the market closes with a decidedly flat at tendency. Indian Stocks have likewise been heavy.
The fall in the English Railway Share Market has continued, and prices remain almost at their lowest point, although the settlement of the account has shown a large speculation for the fall, caused by the expectation of a further considerable falling off in receipts, owing to the American affairs. Midland, 1191, 120. The Foreign Stock Market has been dull, with the exception of Austrian Securities, in which a considerable rise has occurred, owing to the better feeling in connexion with continental politics. The exchange in that country also continues its favourable movement.
In the Foreign Share Market, Lombardo-Venetian shares have ad- vanced to j, * prem., ex div., and leave off at par to prem.; this es- tablishes a further improvement of 10s. per share. Other things dull, at their respective quotations.