The Mysore Reversion. By Major Evans Bell: (Thinner and CC.)—
Major Bell is strongly opposed to the annexation policy, and favours the maintenance of the native princes with more stringent British superin- tendence if we understand him aright. The native prince is to reign, but not govern. Probably it would be a safer plan, and inthat sense the rajah would be wortlihis salary. Majer Bell, however, insists that it is not trim that the best-administered province in India is necessarily the most con- tented. Our orderly system of abolishing petty imposts and raising the land-tax, which must be paid in cash to the day, whether the crop is bad or good, is unpopular with the people, oven though they profit by it. Also the " splendour " of the native ruler's "hospitality, his public ceremonies, and processions is a constant source of pride, entertainment, and excitement to all classes and ranks." There is no doubt much truth in this view of the subject.