18 MARCH 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, March 14.


East and Ferguson, Nottingham builders -Rawsen arid Sou, Leicester, hosiers-J. nod E. E Bateman, St. John Street. West Smithfield. gasfiders -Citurton and Sons. Whitchurch. hropihire. appraisers: as for as regards tV. Churton -T. and R. Clemet. Doncaster, coach-bailders-0. and J. Shone Whitchurch, Shropshire, litiendrapers- Clark and Co. Ohl Change, sack manufacturers-Dawson and Wright, Kingston-upon- Hull. claviers-Holden mut Co. Birmingham, saddlers'•ironmongers ; as (urns regards H. Holden - Wm:Atoms and Balcomb. Rochester, birchers-Law and Co. Rochdale. cotton-spinners-Jerry and Orleans. Craftier Street. Soho. cimmerclionta -T. C. and T. Milo. Strand. tobacconists- liarsby aid Fryer. Loire-her. worsted-spioners-J. and J. Peachey, Colchester, brokers-Anti Coal monopoly Company. Charing Cross; as for as regards A. T. Holroyd-M. and S. Phillips. Leeds, Carriers -Hammon and Ro • bin-on. Preston, ironmonger.-Woud and Co. Liverpool. chemists- Mayne and Dar. neaten, Newgate .Market. salesmen -White and Hodgem. south Shields, anchor- smiths-Marchausl and Goldsmid. Hart Street, Bloomsbury. Geneva e tech importers -Dewhurst oud Butterworth, Birstal, Yorkshire, joiuen -Nevin and Co. Maidill Lane. Wood Street, hosiers. INSOLVENT. SNELGRoVR, Wria.ra at and Hesure. Southampton, upholsterers, March 13.


Rigge, Manchester, attorney-at-hoe-Walker. Halifax. grocer- Linfoot, Sutton on- the-Forest, Yorkshire, shoemaker-Pitt, Bath, bottle merchant - Priestley, Iltuldera- field, lately a confectioner-Lord. Rochdale, labourer -Craven. Be nington. shire-Craven, Brouington, Fiintshire, farmer -Potts. Stoke-upon-Trent; baker- Smart, Benwell, Nortlitimt.erland, emphayed by a railway comp:soy-Howarth. Ha- lifax, omnibus driver -Cox, Bronti.place, East-lane, Walworth, tuwil traveller to hat manufacturers - Diusdale, Leech, printer-George Egerton (otherwise Geroge Eger- ton Anderton). Manchester, out of busiuess -Fenn (carrying on business in the name of Sarah Whipp)... Allerton.street, Hortou New Town, grocer -Wallis. Lewisham- road, Kent, appraiser- Aleock , Burslem, builder-Baiues, Halifax, bobbin maker - Gotobed, Hauxbury-place. Leek's-fields. baker -Wheatley Sheffield, veterinary sur- geon-Booking. Bradwell, Derbyshire, butcher-Wilks, Foley-street, police-officer.


JAMES, Juice, Meeting House Court. Old Jewry, merchant. BANKRUFTCIES ANNULLED.

CALVERT, JoHN. Liverpool, flag-merchant. PARSONS, GEORGE, Lethbridge, Purina, litiendraper. BANKRUPTS. Ad.r.n. WILLIAM, Sunlit Stoneham, Hampshire, grocer, to surrender Mareh 22, April 24: solicitors. Messrs. Hicks and Braikeuridge, Bartlett's Buiteings ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. BAINES. THOMAS, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted spiener. March 25, April 25: solici- tor, Mr. Morris. Bradford; official assignee. Mr. Fearne, Leeds.

Enwasn, Great Surrey Street. linendraper. March 28, April 25 : solicitor, iar. Ashen, Cheapside; officio; assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Burrow, Joust, Manchester. builder, March 24. April 28: solicitors, Messrs. Hem- phrys and Co. Manchester; and Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane; official assignee. Mr. Fraser, Ida ,chester. DUGGAN, Ttecrrin, Cheadle Grove, Cheshire, calico printer, March 24. April 28: solicitors, Messrs. Chisholme and Co. Iducoin's Ina Fields; and Mr. G.bson. Man- chester; official assignee. Mr. Stauway, Manchester. FRASER, ALEXANDER, Trelleck Terrace, Hanover Square, lodging.house.keeper, March 23, May 2 solicitor, Mr. Leake, Charlotte Row; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermaubury. GREATBAcel, Desner.juuior, Newcastle.under-Lyme, cabinet-maker, March 22, April 21: solicitor. Mr. Shinier, Newctudle-under-Lyme; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

GORTots, WILLIAM, St. Peter's Chambers. Cornhill, merchaut. March 21, April 21: solicitors. Messrs. Dickson and Overbury. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

GOVER DANIEL, Marquis Court, Drury Lane, carpenter, March 24, April 25: ml; • cite?, Mr. Valiance, Essex Street, Strand; official assignee, Mt. &eager, Birchin-Lmie

"TAIWAN, Jona, St. Martin's Lane. victualler. March 22. April 24: solicitors, Messrs. Fry aud Co. Cheapside; officiel assignee. Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street.

flowanen. WILLIAM. and WILLTAMS, WILLIAM, Manchester. drysalters. April 3. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Blair. Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. Lorry. WILLIAM Jona BRAZLEY Ham. Bennett Street, 13Iackfriar's Road, shipowner, March 21, April 24: solicitor, Mr. Tate, Basingliall Street ; official assignee. Mr. Tur- timed, Copthall Buildings. MIDOLEHAM, SAMUEL. Dewsbury, wine-merchant, March 28. Apri125: solicitor, Mr. Higliam, Brighouse. Huddersfield; official assignee. Mr. Hope. Leeds. Pareroe. Heim rind Co. Morley. Sunderland, iron-manufacturers, April 4. May 2: solicitors, Messrs. Capes and Stewart, Gray's Inn; Mr. Harrison, Newcastle-upon. Tyue ; and Messrs. Wright, Sunderland; official asignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon. Tyne. POPPLEWELL. FRANK, Batley. Yorkshire, blanket-manufacturer. March 24, April 28 solicitor, Mr. Dean. Batley; official assignee, Mr. Youug. Leeds. Pron. Wrotaraa , Gloucester. auctioneer. March 22. April 27: solicitor, Mr. Love. grave, Gloucester; official assignee. Mr. Hutton. Bristol. Rourissore. Wisuramt Wntenso, Beverley, Yorkshire. linendraper, April 1 and 25: solicitors. Messrs. Johnson, Son, and Weatherall. Temple; Messrs. Payne. Eddisen, aud Ford, Leeds; and Mr. Blair, Manchester ; official assignee. Mr. Hope, Leeds. Sarmeasorr. THOMAS, Leeds. woollendraper. March 24, April 28: solicitor, Mr. Brad. ley. Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Freeman. Leeds. Wnermv. WILLIAM. Liverpool, merchant March 20. April 20: solicitors. Messrs. Knapper and Woolwright, Liverpool; official assignee. Mr. Bird. Liverpoo'. Wanner, Thomas, and Co., Tunisian Staffordshire. earthenware manufacturers : March 25. April 17: solicitor, Mr. Ward, Burslere; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. DIVMEN us. April 6. Wacey, Beech Street, Barbican, bookseller-April 4. A. and J. Da Camaro, Old Broad Street, wine merchants-April 7 Pitt, Selby, wine merchant -May 3. Sed- don, Middle Huitoo, Lancashire, coal dealer-April 19. Manley. junior. Atherton. Lancashire, patent nail manufacturer-April 5. Heslewood. aud Co. Thames Street, white lead manufacturers-April 10, W. Slone and R. Blake, Bristol, tailors-April 70, Morgan. Brist, I. ship builder-April 11, Holroyd. Bristol. ship builder-April 12, Franklyn. Bristol, ship builder-April 5, H. and It. Fawcus. Stocktou-upon-Tees, timber-merchants-April 6, Taylor. Middlesbrough. Yorkshire, coal fitter-April 6, Bensm, Darlingtou. grocer-April 6. Care Sunderland, merchant-April 10, Lines, Oldbury Shropshire. grocer-April 11, Fulford. Birmiugham, draper-April 5, Wil- liams, Cowarue Court Herefordshire, corn dealer.

CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

April 4, Yaudle, Beaumont Sheet, Marylebooe, coach maker-April 4, Brown, Oxford Street, upholsterer-April 6, Ames, Margate. linendraper -April 4. Rose, Walton, Hertfordshire, innkeeper - April 4, Morgan, Llandilosfaur. tanner-April 7. Woodall, ilishopsgate Street Without. woollendraper-April 7, Knight. Great Suffolk Street. builder-April 7. Pitt junior, Canterbury. druggist-April 5. Bell and Davison, Neweastle-upou-Tyne, earthenware mannheterers -April 6. Armstrong, Castle Eden. Durham, grocer April 8, Sheppard. Boston, corn merchant-April 6. Plank, Ply- mouth. perfumer-April 7, Jones. Liverpool, victualler-April 7, Ilentig, Kingston., upon.Hull, merchant-April 6, Cock, Plymouth, linendraper-April 5, Carter. Staf- ford, builder-April 11, Smith, Wednesbury, Staffordshire, grocer-April 11, Harper, Langua. Monmouthshire, innkeeper- April 8, Caswell, Birmingham. glass-dealer.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 4. Wood, Strand, money seriveuer-Greenwood. Calverley Mills, Yorkshire, cloth. manufacturer-Joues. Liverpool. limestone dealer-Allen. Walsall, saddler-Thomp- son. Crutchedfriars, cornfactor-Pilbeam, Parker Street, Drury Lane, smith-Spence, Stratford, gardener-Hopper. Great Queen Street, carpet warehouseman-Hadingliam, Cambridge, linendraper-Pitt, Selby, wine merchant-Carter, Hammersmith. carpen- ter-Dell. Strand, tavern:keeper - Boddington, Warwick. coaelt-builder - Wilson. Wickham Brook, Suffolk, innkeeper- Hodson. Reading, druggist-Jackson. Bonney Eatra, Hampshire, slate-merchant - Head, Wickham, Hampshire. grocer-Webb, Bir. mingham, tailor-Lundy. Kingstonerpon-Hull. straw hat manufacturer.


Camerae, 1. A. V., Edinburgh. March 20, April 7. Casio, IL. Kilmarnock, merehant. March 18 April 15. M'Ciarstorze, G., Peuningham, Wigtonshire, farmer, March 17, April 7.

Friday, March 17.


Proctor and Co. Cheapside, surgeons; as far as regards Proctor-Kennington and Cook. Gainsborough, boutecrushers-J. F. and J. Towlson, Marlborough, guu.makers -Barnes and Co. Burnley. cotton spinners; as far as regards G. Barnes senior-Fox and Sun. Batley. cloth-manutheturers-Simpson and Co. Wakefield. chemists; as far as regards S. Ilutchiuson-Wood and Co. Ramdrottora. Laticashire, engravers to ca. lico-priuters; as far as regards W. Spencer - Cabbie and Robinson, Liverpool, furni- ture-brokers -sheplieard and Pollock. Mattishall, Norfolk. farmers -Battram and Beeching, Tunbridge. lineudrapers -Evans and Ihillips. Newgate Market. meat. salesmen - B. and W. H. Pas ne, Leicester, anctioneers-Vauner and Horn. Guildford, lineudrapers -Martin and "Beckley. Liverpool. wineelealers-Green and Co. Wake- field. millwrights-Wood and Sou, Birmiugham. merchants - Goskirk and Millar. Kelso, coachmakers.


Deny. James, eels erley, clothier-Cobb. Join,. Menchester, slap keeper-Knott, William. Ashton under Line, fent-dealer-Stee art, Charles Stewart, Dorset Street. sur- veyor-Walker, James. Manchester. book-keeper -Woodruff. William, Fulham Road, tobacconist-Powell. John. Tredegar, out of business-Sch field, Halifax, jollier -Nicholson. John, Batley, Yorkshire. cloth dresser - Bache, Sherrington. junior, Gray's lint Lane. caipenter-Jetter, William Robert. R.allester, carpenter-Wilkins, William. Exmouth Street, Euston Square, bricklayer-Potter, Richard, Ileuley.on. Thames, sacking manufacturer-Pitt, Job. Birmingham, japauner -Cox Frederick, Oxford, shoe manufacturer - Cooke. Charles, Loppiugton, Shropshire. farmer-Mallin. SOD, Samuel Ralph, Birmingitam,journeyman coach-founder-Dos les. John Shrewa.nry, butcher-Hedges, Henry, Wall's Row, Islington. bootmaker -Timmins, Elizabeth, Aston, Warwickshire, pump-maker-Arnold. Thomas. Vl'akefieltl, corn-dealer-Ing- ham, Joseph. Leeds, lately a coal-merchant - Jarrett, Francis Seardefield,

Sussex. butcher. INSOLVENT.

CHA119, JAMES. Bristol, corn factor. March 17.


COLEMAN, JoHN, BirMill15118111. TiCntaller. GOLDMAN, LEWIS, Tottenham Court Road, draper.


ALLEN, Femects junior, Haughtou. Staffordshire, brick maker, to surrender March 28. April 21: solicitors. Mr. Flint Stafford; and Mr. Reece, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

' Bacisnaw.'fnusi se, Buxton. Derbyshire, innkeept•r. March 28, April 25: solicitors. Messrs. Milue and Cu. London: and Messrs. Cr.,ssley and Sudlow. Manchester ; cial assignee, Mr. Putt. Manchester.

Boeraxarosi, RICHARD, Liquorpond Street. ironmonger. March 24. May 2: solicitor, Mr. Mega, Great Tower Street; effliciel assignee, Mr. Gibson. Basingliall Street. Cuest.Err. THOMAS, Graceelturch Street. hosier, March 29, April 28: solicitor, Mr. Stephen, Skinner's Place, Siso Laze; ofiicial assignee, Mr. Turquaud, Copthall Buildiegs. Corme JOSEPH, New Street, Dorset Square, upholsterer. March 14. April 28 solici- tor. Mr. Tate, Basingball Street: olticisi assignee. Mr. Pennell, Basiugliall Street.

Ccatilm, GEORGE. Crawford Street, Bryanston Otinere, bootmaker, March 24, April 4 : solicitor. Mr. Lewis Arundel Street ; official assignee. Mr Pennell, Basingliall St.

ECCLES, WILLIAM, Much Weellon. Lancashire, grocer. March 28, April 28: solici- tors.Mr. Toulmiu. Liveapool; and Messrs, Nurrisand Co. Baltlett's Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Cazenave. Liverpool: HALL. ROBERT. Colchester, fishmonger, March 27, April 28: solicitors, Messrs. Blunt and Co.. Lothbury; official assignee, Mr. Graham. Basiughall Street, HARRISON. CHARLES. Red Lion Street, Holborn, victualler, April 1, 29 : solicitor, Mr. Fisher. C:ineen Square, Bloomsbury; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane. LAVSOURN, HENRY. Hartlepool, ship broker, April 10, May 1: solicitors, Ale,srs. Smithson, Southamptou Buildings. Chancery Lane. :tad Mr. Poole, Hartlepool; official assignee. Mr."Briker. Newcastle upoo-Ts ne.

birrsust. EDWARD. Portsea, brewer, March 28. April solicitors, Mes:rs. Briggs and Scitt, Lincollea Inn Fields; official assigeee, Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street. PARRY: JoSemr. Haverforilwest, draper. March 30, April 27: solicitors, Mr. Lloyd, Cheapsitle; and Mr. Leman, Bristol; official assignee. Mr. Morgan. Bristol. -Sear+. Custu.ss, NewcaStlaunder Ly me, currier. March 30, April 20: solicitor, Mr. Ruffin, Newcastle-under-Lyme; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Birmiugham. &Tartar, ILMERT., DEMPSEY St. Helen's, Lancashire. .ship builder. April 4, 23: le solicitors; Itssrs. Barites and B'arlow. St. Helen's; and Me1ses. Chester aud Toelmie,

Stk pre ; official aasignee, Ale Follett; Liverpool. . . . WOOD, SAMUEL, and Sows, Birstal, Yorkshire, machine-makers, March 29. April 24: solicitors, Messrs. Horsfalland Harrison, Leeds; and Mr. Dean, Batley; official assige.

nee. Mr. Freemau, Leeds. BIVIDINDS. April 7, Smith and Stickals. Kuightsbridge, cheesemongers- April 7, Mayhew. Crutehedfriars and Camberwell, wine-merchant-April 7. Ford, Aldgate, draper- April II, Austen and Co. Ilenriette Street. Coveut Garden, bankers-April 24. Jenkius. Cardiff', draper-April 13. Richan and Co. Sunderland and Kingston upon Hull, tin• ners -April 21. Roddington, Warwick, coach-Luilder -April 11, Webb, Forebridge. Staffordshire, cern-dealer. CERTIFICATES

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on theft of meeting. April II, Robinson. Ballingdou. Essex. millwright-April 7, *Freshney, Bond Street. Chelsea. gr. cer -April II, East and Bulgin. Regent Street, booksellers-April 8, Watkinsen. Birstal. Yorkshire. cardmaker-April 7, Beaumont. Tottenham Court Road. surgeon-April 7. Rogerson. Hylton Ferry. Durham. ship builder -April 7, Forster. Newcastle upon Tyne, butcher-April 7. Simpson, Gateshead, painter-April 10. Thompson, South Shields. wine dealer -April 10, Barnes, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, tanner-April 11, Jardine. Liverpool. merchant-April 25, Pickslay. Sheffield, mer- chant-April 11, Cheetham nod Wadsworth, Macclesfield. silk.throwaters -April 11, Lowe. Norley. Cheshire' shoemaker-April 7. W. and J. Wallis. Lincoln and Wragby, corn merchants -April 11, Royston. Manchester, yarn-dealer-April 1.1, Vickers. Manchester, iron founder-April 8, Hicktuan. Bilston, Staffordshire. timber-merchant -April 8, Wright. Burstein, baker-April 14. Bath, Basun), Staffordshire. brandy merchant-April 12, Brightmaa, Spalding, Lincolnshire, apothecary -Apri113, Judd. Melton Mow bray. draper-ApriI7, Barraelough, Bradford Yorkshire. timber merchant. To be granted, unless cause be ShOUM to the contrary. on or before April 7. -

Culnet. Gravesend. hotel-keeper-Appleton, Walnut-tree Walk, Lambeth, earn- dealer-Smart, Flax Bourton, Sumersetshire, coma u-brewer-Burgon. Bucklersbury. hardwareman-Ilartou, Liverpool. merchant-West, Stamford, grocer-Fricourt, St. Martin's Laue, hotel-keeper-Rogers, Dartmouth. Devonshire, wine- merchant -Blasoia Ecton, Northamptonshire, iunkeeper-Cassen, Liverpool, corn-merchant-Wilde. Ross, Herefordshire, tanner-Coe. GALsmitla Street, Wood Street, lacemau-Blaxland, Birmingham. weollen-draper-Wapshott, Crosby Row. King Street. Borough, engineer -Davies, Llanidloes, Mentgameryshire, flannel-manufacturer.


REOBIE, P. and BUDDER, J. B. Edinburgh. ironmongers, March 20, April 10. Bisser, J. Ayr, merchaut, March 22, April 12. CAMPBELL, W. Glasgow. bookseller. March 22. April 12. Mammas, W. and B. Glasgow, coal agents. March 22. April 12.

SIMON. J. Ayr. merchant, March 22, April 12. WIGHT, W. Dalmeltingtou, Ayrshire. carpet-manufacturer, March 22, April 12.