18 JUNE 1927, Page 16

LONELY ANGLO-INDIAN CHILDREN [To the Editor of the SpEcreron.] Sia,—Some

time ago. a society was formed through the good offices of the Spectator to help British parents living abroad to find suitable homes for their children to spend their school holidays in. I have to find a home for my son of 16 and two daughters of 15 and 12. I want to leave them assured of a welcome in a gentleman's household, if possible a man who fanning and who would allow my son to learn and do all he could on the farm. I live in Hong Kong and must return there on October 1st.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Laarrrox Parra%

Basil Street Hotel, Knightsbridge, S.W. 3.

[If our correspondent will write to the Mothers' Union, 8, Dean's _Yard, London, S.W. 1, she will be supplied with particulars of the Society to which she refers.—En. Spectator.]