18 JUNE 1836, Page 20


A VERY accurate and picturesque print of the four Giraffes at the Zoological Gardens has been lithographed by G. SCHARF, in continua- tion of his cheap and pretty views of the Zoological Gardens. These extraordinary creatures--they look like deer run to seed—are grouped so as to show their positions in lying down, walking, and grazing : this last attitude, where they straddle out their long fore-legs, between which the ridgy length of the prodigious neck descends like a huge ser- pent to reach the ground, is ugly enough ; but their walking motion, notwithstanding the two legs on one side moving together has a pecu- liar look, is not ungraceful ; and as they recline like cattle, with their. stately necks reared up, which at times they curve almost like a swan's, they have really an elegant appearance. The artist has introduced into the picture M. THIBAUT, who pro- cured and brought the animals over to this country, in his Egyptian costume ; and the three Arab attendants in their native dresses, one of whom is playing on a rude kind of lyre.