18 JUNE 1831, Page 9


Tuesday, June 14.


Bows and MACAULAV, Leicester, surgeons-J. and A. M'ConsticE, Leeds, linen-merchants-W:1mi:: and Co. Davies Street, Berkeley Square, dealers in ready- made linen-RussE LI, and WEBB, Stourport, Worcestershire, timber-merchants- GOLDNEY and AMATT, St. Philip and Jacob, Gloucestershire, worsted-spinners- /31AM and K OLSTEN, Cape Haitien, Hayti, merchants; as far as regards KOLSTER -Moos and SMITH, Leicester, hosiers-CARTER and Co. Cheapside, carpet- dealers-REND-Alex and KWH, Birmingham, lamp.manufacturers-Wimersisors and Co., Barbican, wholesale.stationers-,AxE and .111stms Nottingham, plane- makers-How Artn'and Co. Stratford, Essex, mtinufaethring c'hytnists-MILLER and Co., Bristol, fish-curers. • ms OLVSNTS.

PARKE, EDWARD, Stroud,. Gloucestershire, moltster, June 11. SMITH, W11.1.1A 31, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, grocer, June IS. BANnau rTer SUPERSEDED.

Sroxe., SAMUEL, .Austinfriars, broker. ' H Ant:flyers.

As tr w it TIT, THOMAS, Roc hdale, Lancashire, corn-dealer, to surrender June 24.

25, July 20 : solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co_., John Street, Bedford Row ; mut

Sir. Woods, Rochdale. BOAST, Jour. Trinity Squere, Southwark, apothecary, June 24,28, July 26 : • Messrs. Watson and Sun, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street.

Bit ow rut EW, Gateshead, Durham, publican, June 17, July 6, 20: soli- citors, Dlr. Shaw, Ely Place; H nolbor ; and Mr. Crozier, 'Close, Newcastle-upon-


Belmont:11s, JEREMIAH, Mile End Road, and AtusterilaM, merchant, June 17; 24, July 26 : solicitor, Mr. Nicholson, Delegate Hill.

BvsaLsy, WILLIAM, Bucklersbury, eating.house-keeper, June 21, 28, July 26 r solicitor, Mr. 13ennetr, Scot's Yard, Bush Lane.

EDMOND, Ronny-LT, Bridlington Quay, Yorkshire, Innkeeper, June 23, 24, July 26 : solicitor:, Mr. Williams, Verularn Bilintings, Gray's Inn ; rind Sir. Taylor, Bridlingt on,

ILtamin, JOHN, M011111011th Cap, Monnymtlishire; innkeeper, June 2:3, 24, Suir 20 : solicitors, Dlr. Church, Great James Street, Bedford Row; arid Messrs. Pates- hall and Bellamy, Hereford. JOIINSoN, PETER., ,.;oFy Axe, wine-merchant, June 21, 28, July 26: solicitor, Mr. Whiteley, Tokenhouse Yarcl,•Lothinuy.

Roar nt, Rise, Yorkshire, dealer, June 30, July 1, 20 :

Messrs. Rosser and Sons, Gray's Inn Place, Gray's Inn ; and Messrs: England and Shackles, Hull. Sit ear', Jour, ehartcrhouse Street, Charterhouse. Square, printer, June 17, 24, july 20 : solieltm.:, Messrs. Saward and Waterman, Ftunival's Inn.

SKELTON, J 011N HENRY, Chandus Street, Covent Garden, warehouseman, June 21, 28, Jul:. 80 : solicitors, Messrs. Wild and CO., College Hill.

STEesx's, WI 1.1.1Am, Clare street, Clare Market, linen-draper, June 17, 24, July 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Guest, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside. - 0acies:11A JA 31Es, Portsmouth, watch-maker, Jnne 24, 25, July 26: solicitors, Mr. Corvine, South Square, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Taylor, Portsea.

Wits-ro:,:„lonx and Jolts, Old Bond Street, tailors, June 21, 28, July 26 :

• :deems. Wilde anti Cu. College Hill. - • • - Wo o LLE V, J os E WILLIAM, Hanover . Terrace, Regent's Park, furnishings ironmonger, June 17, 2.1, July 26 : solicitor, Mr.. Mark, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. DIVIDENDS.

July 5, Newcomb, Brentwood, Essex, corn.chandier-July 5, Smith, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, baker -July 5, Newman, Upper Clanton' carpenter-July 5, Twort, Horsmonden, Kent, miller-June 21, Campbell, White Lion Court, Cornhill, mer- chant-July II, Mathews, Copthall Court, merchant-July 8, W. and C. Adroit, New Road, St. Pancras, and Buckingham Street, Fitzroy Square, marble-masons- July 8, Earl, Lewishem, plumber-July 6, showy, Regent Street, Oxford Street,

hosier y 5, Wilder, Birmingham, victualler-July 6, Smith, Horsley Gloucester-

shire, clothier-July 7,3. and Harris, Bristol, carpenters-July 6, Baker and

Pearson, Macclesfield, silk.manufaeturers-Jaly 5, Clarkson, Kingston-Upon.Hult and Goole, general-agent-July 5, Quick, Tiverton, Devonshire, linen. tl raper- July 5, Carr, Yorkshire. linen-manufacturer-July 5, Harvey, Bothnia, Curawall, builder. CERTIFICATES.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 5. Aston, Wellingtour Shropshire, mercer-Haison, George Town, Demerara, mer- ehant-Nerbey, Tottenham Court Road, poulterers-Black:ill and Filby, Langbeurne Chamber,. Fe n church' 5 [reel, ship.brzezdrs III rkett, ' 'Whitchaven, Cu in berland, grocer-Whitehead, Pleasant Row, Battle Bridee, lineridraper-Allen, Stratford, Es- sex, coal-merchant - Willzinsou, Shrewsbury, draper - Palmer, Cecil Street,

Stroud, wine-merchant. . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION.

AnAm, Joux, jun., Colinsiee, Paisley, bleaeher, June 17, July 2.