18 JULY 1987, Page 26

Honey-coloured Bradford

Sir: I was in Bradford recently and saw nothing of Richard West's 'Inner city of dreadful night' (27 June). Indeed, I have happy memories of a lovely English city of honey-coloured stone in bright sunshine. I might have been in southern rather than northern Europe. The people seemed exo- tic, the buildings were Italian and there was a sparsity — in spite of Richard West's declaration — of concrete blocks. The modern buildings are of a higher than average standard. They are of good design and thoughtfully faced with local stone.

Bradford is a small city and does not stand comparison with such monsters as Birmingham, Liverpool, Lyons, or Marseilles. I thought this comparison of British and continental cities most strange and unbalanced. Bradford has more in common with Ghent, Charleville Mesiers, Liege or perhaps some of the smaller German cities of the Ruhr.


Like most human communities, Brad- ford has many problems. It does not deserve vilification from Richard West or any other journalist. Its citizens will re- spond with dignity and the magnanimity they showed when they elected a non- European to be their Lord Mayor. At least I hope so, for Bradford is a place that has always been known for its tolerance and hospitality towards strangers. It was cer- tainly hospitable to me. B. A. Lave11

Welkomstraat 3, 1990 Hoeilaart, Belgium