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SOUTHAMPTON and its waters presented a gay appearance on Wednesday, in honour of the Queen's visit to Sea Lock, in the Itchen estuary, to witness the mode of salmon-fishing carried on there. The Southampton waters and the Itchen estuary were covered with boats, each bearing a streamer • while crowds of people left the town and proceeded by land to the lock. The Fairy steamer bore the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Prince of Lei- ningen, to Northam Bridge; whence, stepping on board a barge, the Royal party were conveyed to the salmon-leap. Couches and chairs were conve- niently placed for the august visiters; who seemed to take much interest in the labours of' the fishermen. After the pond had been completely dragged, the nets were drawn up, and thirteen or fourteen fish were thrown to land, placed in a tub, and exposed to the Queen's inspection. Her Ma- jesty selected three of the largest, and ordered the rest to be restored to the
• pond. The Royal party returned by water to Osborne House.
On Tuesday, Earl Spencer arrived at Osborne House, on a visit to it* Queen.