A formal union has been effected between the Synod of
Ulster and the Secession Synod, numbering together ;warm) Presbyterians. The ceremony took place on Friday last, in Rosemary Street Church, Bel- fast. The Reverend Dr. Reid read the articles of the Act of Union. The designation of the united body is " the Presbyteria» Church in Ireland," and the annual meetinn is to be denomiliatet1 " the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland." When the question was put, " Does this act pass ?" all the members simultimeously rose, and with one voice said, " Pass." The Reverend Dr. II:mita having been chosen first Moderator, on taking the chair, constituted the meeting " iii the name el the Lord Jesus, the great King and head of the Church." A deputation from the Church of Scotland WEIS introdueed, headed by Dr. M;Farlan, of Greenock ; who entered on a sketch of the present position id' the Church of Scotland, in reference especially to the Non- intrusion question. There were 3,0tat persons present. " By this vast assembly," says the Beifiest Clirenie/e, " the utmost enthusiasm was manifested in favour of the Church of Scotland in her present ..truggle, and in her resistance to the bill of Lord Aberdeen »ow before the Douse of Lords."