18 JANUARY 1913, Page 16


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SrEcTATOR."3 SITL,—I stated that at the end of 1910 there were 10,050,075 Magyars in Hungary, on the authority of the Royal Hungarian Statistical Office, Budapest. The information is open to the world in the recently published official volume bearing the title " Nepszamla]Asa, 1910 evi," or Census for 1910. From that reliable source further interesting details may be gathered. For instance, we learn that in Hungary proper (excluding Croatia, which has its own official language), at the end of 1910 there were 9,944,627 Magyars in a population of 18,264,533. At the same date there were in Hungary proper 11,820,416 Magyar speakers, showing a 5 per cent, increase of such during ten years.

Your correspondent and some writers in recently published reference books erred by giving the Hungarian racial statistics for 1900 as if they were correct at the present time. In one case, the total population of Hungary in 1910 is stated correctly, while the racial classification given is that for 1900; but as only the later date is mentioned, readers would naturally suppose that all the figures given were those for 1910.

In another well-known reference book for the present year the proportion of Magyars in Hungary is stated to be "over 40 per cent." This, to say the least, is a somewhat vague indication of more than 48 per cent.

I have copied the title used by your correspondent, but should like to explain that the term " Austria-Hungary " is only correct if it be understood to mean Austria and Hungary.

—I am, Sir, Fic., W. H. SHRITBSOLE. 22 Halms Road, Bit ham, Kent.