18 JANUARY 1851, Page 8


Strom EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArricaSocin.

The Stock Market has been heavy, and it continues depressed. There is evidently an indisposition amen.. capitalists for long investments: money is consequently to be' had, at low fates of interest, only for short periods. Hence, many capitalists who have -been 'in the habit of lending money on Consols., were unwilling to continue their loans ; and upon the settlement of the Account, yesterday, some very heavy deliveries of Stock occurred. The price of Consols for Money has been as low as 96t ;r thus marking a decline of f per cent' from the quotations of Saturday last. The market, however, closes slightly firmer ; the price for Money this afternoon being 96-1 it and for the February Account 96i A. The exchange upon Paris still continues to decline, and the rate today is .24.921 per .11. sterling, nearly as low as when the Bank raised its rate of discount, when it was 24.90. On Thursday it was anticipated that the rate would be advanded to 3i per 'tent ; Whew- ever still continues at 3 per cent, and the weekly excitement on the subject is adjournedlill next Thursday. ' In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has been unimportant. I The half:monthly settlement 'occurred on Wednesday ; and money, though in demand, was not so searcess on the last der of the year. The " continua- tion " was heavy, however, upon Mexican Bonds and the South American Stocks. Spanish Stock has not been affected by the recent Change of Mi- nistry : this event has not (as usual) peltthe speculators in motion.

The Railway Shares are generally lower. A cheek has evidently been given to speculation by the recent measure of the Bank Directors, and the belief that the rate of discount will be further advanced' still tends to keep down prices The The traffio in French Shares, which Was recently so active,

-appears-to entirely subsided : the transactions have-keen fest, but prices are well supported. The:Inotationset the.Nottlierrruf Immo:and Vierson, -.whiclistireinow-dealt in ax-dividend, age With thottrAlliWitlitOrnelitlYho same as thole riii4CTIVert• If_ ,-,4 • • In thiiiWg-lisfi , 1,p3th a heavy appearance, and are quoted 96i i for Money, and 96 for e Ac- count: In Foreign Stocks there is nothing new ; and business is dull. No business has yet been transacted in the Share Market. r It SATLT4/041: Two O'CLOCK.

' •

Lithe E uglish Market C,anaoklieve recovered from the alight depression of this morning, and leave elf 96/ 1 for Money and 961 / for the Account. In the Share Market prices have been de reared,: with business transacted at the following quotations—Aberdeen, 9i 10; Alubergate, Notts, and Bos- tali, 21 ; BriStel. and Exeter, 77; Caledonian,, 10 91 ; Ditto New 101. Pre- ference, 61; Chester and Holyhead, 16; Ditto Preference 1-11 i Eastern Counties, 6k6;. Ditto 5 per Cent Preference No. 2, par k dis,; Ditto New Preference 6 per Cent, 10k; Edinburgh and Glasgow .281 ; Great Northern, 1Q 1; GrentiSouthern.and Western, (Irehind) Z). ; ,Great Western, 78f n; Lancashire and,Terkshire, 55.1 .11 51 - Ditto .2if4s .44; London and Black- well, 611.1; -„Lendon, Brighton, and South Coast; 92 ; . London andNorth- western, 1231 3:;" Ditto New Quarter-shares, 201; Ditto Fifths, 16 ; Ditto 10/. Shares,'M:and B. C., 31; London and Soutii-western, 764 7i 6; ; Mid- land, 47 61- 7 ; Ditto 501. Shares, 1-1.1 ?,- ex hit. ; North Britisli",..8/ 8; North Staffordshire, 81 g- ; Oxford, WereeSter, and Wolverhampton, 161 ; Bead- ing, Guildford, and Reigate, 21.; SOuth-eastern and Dever,22! ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 18,t 1 ; YOrk and North Midland, 218 ; oulogne and Anions, 9 ; Central of Kande, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 15'1 ; Namur and Liege, 81 ; Northeru of France; 14 ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 314.. ' 3 per Cent Consols 9G Z 1 .i Danish aper Cents 75 8 Ditto for Account 011 t Dutch 2i per Cents 3.per Cent Reduced I Ditto 4.aerp 90.ents 57 8

1 1

31 per Cents 982 i M coneni 5 per Cents 1846 .. ; 32 -3 Long Annuities 7i- Peruvian-6 per .Cents - ' 79 80 Bank Stock 214 15 .Pentuguese 4 per Gents 1842. 844 54 ,

Exchequer Bills 55 58 - Portuguese-5 per Cents 1824. 84 6 India Stock 266 269 Russian 5 per Cents .... .. . . 1101 12.A Brazilian S per Cents 88 00 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 17 1

Belgian 41 per Cents 90 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 184" 371 81

Chilton 6 per Cents - 103 5 Venezuela 30 2 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2

BANK OF StiOLANG. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32. for the week ending on. Saturday, the llth day of January 1851. loses DEs.tii•runs T.

Notes issued £28,010,190 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Soceatitks 2,981,900 Dahl Coin_spd, Donlon 13,970,523 Gil, eir l3 on 39,667

428,010,100 £28,010,190 ass uoio DePARrill_sr.

Government Securities (in. . . eluding Dead We igb t Anilliityl L11,150,156 Other Securities 13,511,364- Notes 21,132,500

Gold and Silver Coin 631,659- 436,425,889 £36;242,869

• Including Exchcque1r, Sayings. Banks, Commissloners of National Debt, & DividendAetts. Proprietors' Capital £14,553,005

Itest 3,194,398 Public Deposits' 6,445,107

Other Deacons 15,975,854 Seven Day and other Bills 1,247,508