On the 7th of February, at 7, Warwick Villas, Maids Hill, the Wife of the Hon. Alexandez Campbell, Kingston, Canada West, of a daughter. On the 7th, at 31, Palmetra Square, Brighton, the Wife of Colonel Davidson, of a eon.
On the 9th, at Clifton, the Wife of Sir Edward Strachey, Bart., of a son. On the 10th, at Knipton Rectory, the Hon. Mrs. A. Campbell, of a son.
On the I lth, at Brussels, the Wife of Francis Clare Ford, Esq., AttaChO to her Majesty's Legation, of a son.
On the 22,1 of December, at Trinity Church, Allahabad, Lieut.-Col. Wm. G. Le Mesurier, C.B., Royal Artillery, to Emilia Ramsay, youngest daughter of 'the late Capt. Thos. Masson, Royal Artillery, and sister of Wm. P. Masson, Esq.. Judge of Allahabad.
On the 7th of February, at Fakenham, Norfolk, the Rev. Henry Sohn Des- borough, MA., Wadham Coll., Oxford, to Clara, third daughter of the late Edward Budge, Esq., of Fakenham. On the 10th, at St. Paul's, Kingsclere Woodlands, Hants, the Rev. George Car- dew, incumbent of Kingsclere Woodlands, eldest eon of the late Lieut.-General George Cardew, Col.-Commandant R.E., to Marthanua Caroline Alice, ,youugest daughter of Thomas Kirby, Esq., Commander R.N., of Mayfield, Stssex, and In- hurst, Hants.
On the 15th, at St. John's, Southwick Crescent, Ernest Boteler, son of tibia Rev. Wm. Lloyd, RecOor of Drayton, Oxon, and grandson of the late Thomas Lloyd, Esq., of the Friary, Winchelsea, Sussex, to Julia Fuller, daughter of the late Charles Robert Morgan, Esq., Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park.
On the 29th of January, at Philadelphia, aged fifty-eight, the lion. Henry D. Gilpin, of that city,
On the 7th of February, at his residence, the Close, Lichfield, Colonel -Swinburne, late of her Majesty's Eighty-third Regiment, in his seventy-seventh year. On the 10th, at Gormaustown Castle, County Meath, the Viscount Gormanston, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. R.I.P.
On the 11th, at 2, Park Square, Robert, infant son of Samuel Laing, Esq., M.P., aged three months. On the 11th, at Gunton Park, Mabel Emily Harbord, slaughter of Lord and Lady Suffield, aged fourteen months.
On the 11th, at the Royal Circus, Edinburgh, Mrs. Arnett, aged ninety-two, mother of Dr. Arnett, of London.
On the 12th, at Scinde House, Clapham Park, General Sir William Francis Pa- trick Napier, K.C.B.. Colonel of the Twenty-second Regiment, aged seventy-four. On the 13th, Willingham Franklin, Esq., formerly of liazelbeech Hall, North- amptonshire, aged thirty-six, only son of the late Sir Willingham Franklin, and ne- phew of Sir John Franklin.
On the 14th, at Brighton, Mary Harriet Lipscomb, Widow of the Right Rev. Christopher, First Bishop of Jamaica.