STOCK Exciunaz, Fames AFTZRXDON.
Very little business has been transacted in the British Funds this week, although the variations have equalled 4 per cent per diem. There is evidently little disposition to enter into new accounts until after the_next discussion on the Budget ; the fluctations which have taken place being caused by a constant succession of adverse and favourable Continental news. The Savoy " question " has been the principal topic, and Consols have risen or fallen, just in proportion with the success or failure of each fresh report touching that question. The continued dulness and depreciation in values on the Paris Bourse causes the Market here to be sensitive if not uneasy. Consols were first quoted on Monday, 941 944, but declined, owing to a re- ported considerable fall in French Rentes to 941 941 ; the Market has since varied between those two quotations, and closes to-day as at the opening, 941 941. Yesterday there was great heaviness apparent in the.Market ; a conflict was considered inevitable ; to-day there is quite a different feature, the Savoy difficulty is stated to be once more settled, and Consols have-ad- vanced 1- per cent, having left off last night, 945; Exchequer Bills, 23 26; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 94/ 95/ ; Indian Debentures, (1858 and 1859,) 97 971 ; Bank Stock, 229 231. Money has only been in moderate demand, and rates are rather easier. The Market for Foreign Securities has been somewhat more active al- though the operations have been mostly confined to one or two stocks. Spanish has risen per cent, and is now 445 45 ; Portuguese, 435 44; Bra- zilian, 93 94. Turkish Stocks have experienced some fluctuations and close for the Old Six per Cents, 79 791, and for the New, 661 664. Mexican Bonds have been in demand, and a rise of rather more than per cent has been established on last week's quotation, leaving off, 211 211 Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 94 95; Ditto Three per Cent, 71 72; Ditto 'Uri- barren 81 83 ; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 80 82; Buenos Ayres, 82 84; Buenos Ayres "Three per Cents, 22 23; Venezuela, 26 27; Grenada Active 15'16 ; Ditto Deferred, 44 41; Sardinian closes finally, 8485 and Victor Emmanuel, 92 93 ; Chilian Six per Cents, 103105. Ditto Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 86 88. The fortnightly account passed over satisfactorily on :Wednesday last.
The value in Railway Shares has this week, in nearly. all cases, consider- ably improved ; and investments on the part of the public continue to be made. South-Eastern Stock has risen another 2cent, and is still in good demand at 88 884; Caledonian Stock closes., 934 9per 41 ; the dividend not meeting expectations, North Staffordshire, 3i 31 dis. ; North British, 611 62 ; Berwick, 93 931; Chester and Holyhead, 501 511; London and Brighton,
111 112 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 38 381; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 361 361 ; Great Northern, 108 109. In the heavy Share Market there has been but little doing, the quotations showing slight change to-day, with the exception of Midlands, which close, 1081 1081 ; Great Western, 69 691 ; London and North-Western, 991 991 ; London and South-Western, 921 931; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 100 1001. The French Market has been quiet, and prices close nearly as last quoted. Paris and Lyons, 35 3,51 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 241 2b1; Northern of
France, 35136} ; Luxembourg, 6} ; Sambre and Meuse, 51 6 ; Namur Liege, 81 8f ; East Indian steady, 101 1011; Great Indian Peninsula, 98198! ; Madras, 961 971; Bombay and Baroda, 961 97. The settling in Turkey Bank took place on Wednesday, amidst considerable excitement, the price fluctuating nearly 11 per cent ; the last figures this afternoon are 1 dis. Ocean Marine firm, 21 24 premium ; Universal ditto, 1 1 premium. The New Provincial ditto, f premium. Joint Stock Banks are all at their respective quotations, and rather more business has been nego- tiated. Ottoman Banks are about 20 ; the dividend and bonus being at the rate of 14 per cent ; London and Westminster, 551 56; Union of London, 28 281; London and Joint Stock, 3132.