The Daily Mail Year Rook, 1918 (Carmelite Rouse, E.0, 6d.)
gives a great deal of information on a variety of sub- jects. the majority of which, of course, deal with the war. Among the special articles are " Why Turkey Joined Germany," by Sir Edwin Pears ; " Lessons from the Air War," by Mr. Harty Harper ; and " Public Thrift in War Time," by Mr. Percy Harris. A happy idea was to include a full list of the winners of the Victoria Cross, with notes on the acts of courage which gained the distinction. Those people—and there are many— .who find the multiplicity of stars, badges, and stripes in the !Army and Navy bewildering will welcome the article on 1" The War Explained : its Methods, Weapons, and Personnel Described by Experts." We are glad to see a tribute to the National Reserve. " Although no exact figures can be given concerning the men of the National Reserve, it would be safe to state that at least half the members have gone Into war service.
Where active service was impossible for some, they have done work at home, such as guarding railways, &o."