The Timm of last Saturday published a very interesting statement
from M. Venezelos which was sent with the express sanction of King Constantine. M. Venezelos repeated his opinion that the Treaty with Serbia was binding on Greece in all circum- stances. Greece by not helping Serbia bad lost her great oppor- tunity of realizing her desires in Asia Minor and Thrace.
M. Venezelos justified his decision to take no part in the next elections. The wishes of the country had been declared at the last elections, and the King had overridden them. It would be useless to repeat the comedy, especially as the Government were allowing their supporters to return from the Army to vote, while withholding permission from the Venezelists. King Constantine, having read the statement, added a note that, though not in personal agreement with the views of M. Venezelos, he desired that they should be made known in Britain—words which recall the phrase of our Press Bureau when it sanctions publication but accepts no responsibility. We think the better of King Constantine for this act of fairness.