OP TEE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sra,—Who are these young schoolmesters who write so con- temptuously of ladies and old men ? For the former, they might most capably release many private-school masters ; as for the latter, we have had experience of them in more than one public school, and with what result ? These " dug-outs " have brought a spirit of freshness, of method, of vigour, of diligence, unknown to our athletic Rohoboams. They have not been ashamed to stay indoors working, in place of golf, to show keenness in encouraging out-of-school pursuits, and, in fine, to do all thoso dreadful things which the young man of to-day abhors.. Many have had military training, and could run the O.T.C. most successfully (especially if the War Office could send an invalided officer here and there as adjutant). Let us hope that the coming Head-Masters' Conference will both express deserved gratitude to these " old men," and also recommend their governing bodies, as a result of this experience, to revise their foolish retirement agedimits.—With deep regret, though trembling on the verge, I must sign myself NOT ONE or Tams.