Considerable excitement has been caused at Vienna during the week
by a libel action brought by forty-nine Members of the Croatian Diet against Dr. Friedjung, the Austrian historian. In an article in the News Frele Prase published on March 25th Dr. Friedjung accused those Members of the Croatian Diet who form the "Serbo- Croatian Coalition" of being in corrupt and treasonable relations with the Servian Government with a view to the foundation of a. Southern Slav Empire. It subsequently appeared that the article was written to the order of the Austro-Hungarian officials, and was communicated to the newspaper by them, and not by its author. The accusations were based chiefly upon the alleged minutes of a Servian society called the " Slovenski Jug," which -was asserted to be the agent for distributing the bribes. The main question argued at the trial is as to the autheaticity of these minutes, which are declared by the plaintiffs to be forgeries.