Importance is attached to a letter from the Comte de
Paris, dated September 1st, but now first published, it may be pre- sumed, by the Count's direction. The idea of the letter is that the Monarchy is the "Government in reserve," that it should not be re-established by any revolutionary blow, but that it should be ready whenever France desires to escape from the revolutionary crisis. The Right should not, therefore, pending that day, be always attacking the Republic, but should protect Conservative ideas, and in doing so, avoid coalitions with the Radicals. These Conservative ideas form a programme which the Count describes as reductions of the burdens on the Treasury, maintenance of the five years' term of military service, "an end to religious persecution," restoration of the Magistrates weeded out., "an end to the oppression of parishes for the benefit of lay teaching," and the selection of a non-political Minister of War. We do not see much in the letter ; but it is believed that its effect will be to induce the Monarchists to support any Government against the Radicals, especially upon the clerical group of questions. We fear the temptation to make all government impossible till the nation reverts to Monarchy in despair, will continue to be too strong for the Count's fol- lowers. Even disciplined Frenchmen will not wait under fire. They charge, or they run away.