18 DECEMBER 1847, Page 11


ARRTVE'D.—At Gravesend, 12th Dec., Walker, Edwards, from Minim& ; Prinee of Wales, Wilson, from Calcutta; and Devonshire, Browse, from Mauritius; lath, Union, Todd ;and Lima, Yule, from Sydney ; Royal Saxon, Charlesworth, from Calcutta ; and Thomas Blyth, Thomson ; and Commercial, Henderson, from Mauritius; 14th, Mar- garet West, Bauer, from Batavia ; end Harriet, Bourn, from Ceylon. LI the Downs, 16th, Alexander Baring, Wilson, from Calcutta ; and Richmond. Greengrass, from Mauritius. Off Portsmouth, 15th, Forteseue, Pellatt, from Madras. At Liverpool, 12th, Nemesia, Brown, from Calcutta ; and Earl of Chester, Blackstone, from Bombay ; 13th, Ann and June, Smith, from Calcutta ; 14th, Lannercost, —, from China ; Arladne, Goodsir ; and Mirzapore. Hickman, from Calcutta : and Ann Bridson, Bragg, thorn Bombay. At Bombay; 6111 Nov.,Jlarry Lorequer, —; and Mare, Dupre,•from Liver- pool. At Calcutta, 31st Oct., Ellenborough, Lambert, lrom London.

SAILED—From Gravesend, 11th Dec., Juliet, Watson, for Haug-kong Sobraon, Mills, for Sydney ; and Lloyd's, Pearson, for Bombay ; 14th, Itnnmore, Mall, for Aus- tralia ; Queen, Hutton, for China ; and Columbus, Ellie, for•Calcutte.