The Third Session of the Parliament of 1852 was opened on Tuesday the 12th December 1854, by the Queen in person ; and prorogued on Tuesday the 14th August 1855, by Commission.
Both Houses rose for Christmas recess December 23; resumed January 53.
rose for Easter recess March 30; resumed April 16. rose for Whitsuntide recess May 26; resumed June 4.
Budget (Sir Cornewall Lewis) April 20. Supplementary Budget August 2.
Army, Commissariat, and Militia 416,221,000 Supplementary 2,668,000 Navy, Transport, and Packet Services 16,653,000 Supplementary 2,725,000 Ordnance 7,803,000 Supplementary 841,000 Total Estimate for year ending 31st March 1856 Margin over expenditure provided for in Ways and Means Excess in estimated Expenditure over the year ending 31st March 1855, being the first year of the war LEGISLATIVE BUMS&
Slave-Trade, Sherbro. Island of Tobago, Loans. Court of Judicature, Prince of Wales Island, $.c.
Secretaries and Under-Secretaries at State, House of- Commons: to extend the number.
Validity of Proceedings, House of Com- mons.
Office of Speaker : to provide for tem- porary absence.
Metropolis Local Management.
Limited Liability. Alteration in Pleadings.
Jurisdietionoftlie Stannary Court.Amend-
menL Administration of Oaths Abroad.
Crown Suits.
Criminal Justice. (Came from the Lords.) Dispatch of Business Court of Chancery. (Came from the Lords.) Charitable Trusts 1853. (Came from the Lords.) Dwellings for LabouringClasses. (Came from the Lords.)
School Grants. Security for Application.
' (Came from the Lords.) Burials. (Came from the Lords.) Cinque Ports: better government.
Merchant Shipping Act Amendment.
Chinese Passenger Ships. Passengers Act Amendment. County Palatine of Lancaster Trials. Duchy of Lancaster Lands 1853. Coal-Mines Inspection.
Stamp-Duties Repeal on Matriculation,
Ice. (Oxford).
Haileybury College. Grants of Lands : to facilitate for religious purposes. Youthful Offenders, No. 2.
Burial of Poor Persons.
Weights and Measure,: to preserve standards.
Gold wedding-rings: to exempt from Act of 1854.
Christchurch (Todmorden) Marriages Validity. Turnpike Trusts Arrangements.
Turnpike Acts Continuance, No. 2. Union Charges Act Continuance. Copyhold, &e. Commission Continuance. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Continuance. Public Health Act (1854): to continue.
418,789,000 19,378,000 8,644,000 46,811,000 2,105,000 £19,000,000
War and Finance.
Militia: to accept Services out of United Kingdom. (Winter sitting.) Enlistment of Foreigners. (Winter sit- ting.) Army Service Act Amendment : to limit period of Service. Ordnance Board: to transfer to Minister for War.
Convention with Sardinia : to lend 2,000,0002., in four half-yearly instal- ments, for contingent of 1.5,000 troops. Turkish Loan : to guarantee with France loan of 5,000,0001.
Lady Raglan and Lord Raglan's Annui- ties: arrangement on the death of the
Commander-in-chief in the Crimea. Militia, Ireland.
Militia, No. 2.
Militia Officers' Qualifications.
Militia Pay. Militia Ballots Suspension.
Mutiny. Marine Mutiny. Consolidated Fund : 3,300,0001. Consolidated Fund:, 20,000,0001. Consolidated Fund : 10.000,0001. Exchequer Bills : 17,183,0001. Exchequer Bills: 7,000,0001.
Loan : 16,000,0001. (3 per cent and bonus
of 14s. 6d. per cent for thirty years). Tea-Duties : to suspend annual re- duction.
Income-Tax : increase 2d. per pound. Customs-Duties.
Spirit, 8cc. Duties (Excise).
Spirit of Wine. Spirits (Ireland) Acts Amendment. Customs Tariff Acts Amendment. Customs-Laws Consolidation. Excise-Doties.
Stage-Carriages Duties, Sze.: to reduce duty.
Newspaper Stamp-Duties to abolish compulsory stamp.
Fisheries, North America. Fisheries, British Islands and France. (Came from the Lords.)
West Indies Relief Loans Arrangement. Convention with United States.
New South Wales Government.
Victoria Government,
Waste Lands (Australia) Acts Repeal.
Public health: No. 2. Lords on the second reading, by 86 Metropolitan Buildings. to 1. Diseases Prevcntion. Savings-Banks and Friendly Societies In- Nuisances Removal and Diseases Preven- vestment.
tion Acts Consolidation and Amend- Stamp Duties : drafts on Bankers.
Army Prise Money. Testamentary Jurisdiction.
Partnership Amendment.
Public Health.
Cambridge University. (Came from the Lords.) Nuisances Removal, Scotland. Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Scotland. Woollen, ftc. Manufactures, Scotland. Bill Chamber Court of Session, Scotland. Court of Ses4on. Scotland. went.
Commons Enclosure.
Commons Enclosure, No. 2. Dean Forest, &c.
.Woolmer Forest.
Indemnity. Stock in Trade.
Insurance on lives abatement of Income- - has Continuance.
Parliamentary Representation, Scotland : to regulate elections.
Registration of Births, &c., Scotland. Judicial Procedure and Securities for 'Burialtrounda, Scotland. Debts, Scotland.
Lunatic Asylums and Regulations Acts Joint Stock Banks, Scotland. Amendment. Grand Jury Assessments, Ireland.
Edinburgh Lands. Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Ireland. Endowed Schools, Ireland. Jurors and Juries, Ireland. Encumbered Estates (Ireland) Act Con- Fairs andMarkets, Ireland. tinuance. Intramural Burials, Ireland. Crime and Outrage (Ireland) Act Con- Court of Chancery. Ireland. tinuance. Poor Rena, Ireland.
Navigation Works, Ireland. Tenants' Compensation, Ireland : ( brought Lunatic Asylums, Ireland. in by Sergeant Shea. but adopted to a Lunatic Asylums Advances, Ireland. certain extent by Ministers). Treasurers of Counties, Ireland. Nuisances Removal, Ireland. Trinity College, Dublin : to repeal stamp- Grand Juries, Ireland, No. 2. duty. Assay Offices, York. National Gallery, &c., Dublin. Assizes and Sessions. (Came from the Turnpike Acts Continuance, Ireland. Lords.) Bale of Spirits, Ireland. Leases and Sales of Settled Estates. Dublin Carriage Acts Amendment. (Came from the Lords.) Public-Houses, Ireland. Roman Catholic Charities. (Came from Consolidated Fund Appropriation. the Lords.) Downing Street Public Offices Eaten- Accidents on Railways. (Came from
sion. the Lords.)
Law of Landlord and Tenant, Ireland. ltILLS WITHDRAWN, CHIEFLY IN (Withdrawn in the Lords, where it ori- THE COMMONS. ginated.) Education, England. Church Patronage Transfer. (Withdrawn Education, Scotland. Rejected in the in the Lords, where it originated.)
Number of Ministerial Bills introduced 141 Passed into Law 108
Withdrawn (32) Rejected in Lords (1) 33
BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME LAW. Vacating Seats in Parliament. (Mr.
Wrighton.) Marriages, Scotland. (Mr. Headlarn.) Medical Profession. (Mr. Headlam.) Church-rates, No. 2. (Sir William Clay.) Agricultural Averages, Ireland. (Mr. Bland.) Sunday Trading, Metropolis. (Lord It. Grosvenor.) Land and Assessed Taxes Divisions. (Mr. Frewen.) Bankruptcy, Ireland. (Mr. Cairns.) Absconding Debtors, Ireland. (Mr. Cairns.) Parish Constables. (Mr. Deedes.) Personal Estates of Intestates. (Mr. Locke King.) Dropped in the Lords. Poor-Jaw, Scotland. (Mr. E. Ellice.) Piers and Harbours, Scotland. (Sir A. Campbell.) Lost in the Lords. Carlisle Canonries. (Mr. Ferguson.) Mortmain. (Mr. Atherton.) Lost in the Lords.
Justice of Peace Qualification. (Mr. Colville.) Dissenters' Marriages. (Mr. Cheetham.) Hardware, lac., Manufactures. (Mr. Hadfield.) Grand Juries. (Mr. Bowyer.) Railways, Ireland. (Mr. J. Butt.) Lost in the Lords.
Truck Act Amendment. (Mr. C. Forster.) Dwellings for Labouring Classes, Ireland. Lunacy Regulation Act Amendment. (Lord St Leonards.) (Sir W. Somerville.) . f Mi (Mr. lierul 'Union of Contiguous Benefices. (Bishop Rating o nes, No. 2- al') Youthful Offenders. (Mr. Adderley.) of London.) Act of Parliament Amending. (Mx. Locke King.) Bleaching, &c. Works. (Mr. J. Butt.) Income-tax Elective Franchise. (Major Reed.) Education, No. 2. (Sir John Pakington.) Colonial Appeals. (Mr. M.Mahon.) Free Schools, Secular. (Mr. Milner I Vaccination. (Mr. Brady.) Gibson.) Judgments Execution. (Mr. Craufurd.) WITHDRAWN IN THE LORDS. Jurors and Juries, Ireland, No. 2. (Mr. Cathedral Appointments Act Continu- Whiteside.) once. (Bishop of Oxford.) Episcopal and Capitular Estates. (Mar-1 Bills of Exchange. (Lord Brougham.) quis of Blaudford.) Speedy Trial of Offenders. (Lord Brough- Formation of Parishes. (Marquis of am.) _ Blandford.) Dissenters Relief. (Lord Brougham.) Mines, Ireland. (Mr. John Fitzgerald.) I Religious Opinions further Relief. (Lord Schools, Scotland. (Mr. Stirling.) Broughani.)
Public Prosecutors. (Mr. John Milli- Church-Rates. (Archbishop of Canter- bury.)
Chininey-sweerr's Regulation. (Earl of Shaftesbury. Needlewomen imitation of Hours of La- bour. (Earl of Shaftesbury.) Measurement of Merchant Steamers. Common Law Procedure A.ct Amend- ment, Ireland. (Mr. Isaac Butt.) Intestacy. Scotland. (Mr. Dunlop.) Dwellinghouses. Scotland. (Mr. Dunlop.) Sale of Beer. (Mr. Henry Berkeley.) Affirmations, Scotland. (Mr. Craufurd.) Friendly Societies. (Mr. Sutheron.) Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes.
(Mr. Keating.)
Bills of Lading. .No. 2.. (Mr. Hersfall.) Sewers-House Drainage. (Lord Ebring- ton.)
Education of PoorChildren. ( Mr. Evelyn Denison.) Ecclesiastical Courts. (Mr. Robert Phil- limore.) Infants' Marriages. (Mr. MalMs.) Court of Exchequer, Ireland. (Mr. Cairns.) Ecclesiastical Property, Ireland. (Mr. Napier.) Places of Religious Worship Registra- tion. (Mr. Pellatt.) Public Libraries anti Museums. (Mr. Ewart.) Public Libraries and Museums, Ireland.
(Mr. Ewart.) ,Beligious Worship. (Mr. Arthur Kin- naird.) Purchaser's Protection against Judg- ments. (Lord St. Leonards.) BILLS( REJECTED OR WITHDRAWN IN THE COMMONS.
more.) Sea Coast Fisheries, Ireland. (Mr. ahon.) Inland Fisheries, Ireland. (Mr. M'Ma. hon.) Court of Chancery, Ireland, and five others. (Mr. Whiteside.) (Earl of Hardwicke.) Grand Juries, Ireland. (Sir Denham Oath of Abjuration. (Lord Lyndhurst.) Norreys.) Religious Worship, No. 2. (Earl of Derby.)
-Union of Benefices. (Mr. Frewen.)' Powers under Improvement Acts Regu-
Marriage Law Amendment. (Mr. Hey- lotion. (Marquis of Salisbury.) With- wood.) drawn in the Commons.
Army before Sebastopol. (Mr. Roe- Public Prosecutors. (Mr. John Philli- buck.) Evidence published at inter- I more.) Reported August 9.
vale. Reported June 18. Office of Speaker. (Mr. Walpole.) Re- Poor Removal-reappointed. (Mr. ported July 17. Babies.) Reported June 13. Arctic Expedition : Claims of Captain Metropolitan Bridges. (Mr. Jackson.) APClure. (Mr. Mackinnon.) Reported Reported July 23. July 20.
Printing - reappointed. (Mr. John Baron Rothschild : Question of Con-
Greene.) Reported August 1. tract. (Attorney-General.) Reported Sandhurst Military College (Colonel July 17. North.) Reported June 181 Sale of Beer Act. (Mr. Henry Berkeley.) Stoppage of Wages (hosiery). (Sir H. Reported July 26. Midford.) Reported July M. Adulteration of Food. (Mr. Scholefield.)
Loan Fund Societies, Ireland. (Mr. Pol- Reported August 8.
lazd Urquhart.) . Postal Arrangements. (Waterford, &c.) Reported July 31. TIME TABLE.
The Lords held 110 sittings, representing 245 hours. The Commons held 157 sittings, representing 993 hours.
The average length of each sitting of the Upper House was 2 hours 10 minutes; of the Lower, 6 hours 20 minutes.
The session of 1854 gave to the Lords 98 sittings and 263 hours; average length 2} hours. To the Commons 144 sittings and 948 hours; average length si hours.
During the session just closed there was "no House" on two occasions, and three premature "counts out." Several other efforts were made to bring about the same result, but without success, the tfve reinutes' grace being sufficient to bring in the supplemental number of Members.
The number of divisions was 213.
Of these the following may be noticed.
1854 December 19. Enlistment of Foreigners Bill; Second reading carried by a majority of 39 (241 to 202). 22. Ditto : Third reading carried by a majority of 38 (173 to 135). 1855 January 29. Mr. Roebuck's Sebastopol Inquiry, carried by a majority of 157 (306 to 148). May 25. Mr. Disraeli's motion accusing Ministers of "ambiguous language and uncertain conduct" on the subject of the war, rejeeted by a majority of 100 (319 to 219).
July 19. Mr. Roebuck's motion of Censure on the Members of the late Aberdeen Government, founded upon the Report of the Sebastopol Committee, set aside by the" pre- vious queation'' ; majority 107 (289 to 182).
July 20. Turkish Loan ; Ministerial resolution in favour carried by a majority of 3 (136 to 132).
December 12, 1854. The session opens with Lord Aberdeen at the head of the Government.
January 23, 1855. At the resumption of business, Mr. Roebuck gives notice of motion for " a Select Committee to inquire into the Condition of the Army before Sebastopol, and into the conduct of those departments of the Government whose duty it has been to minister to the wants of that Army." Two days after this notice, Mr. Hayter intimatea to the House of Com- mons that Lord John Russell had resigned his office of Lord President of the Council, and that his Lordship would make an explanatory statement on the following day.
January 26. Lord John Russell makes his statement, and assigns as rea- son for his resignation that he could not conscientiously oppose Mr. Roe- buck's motion for inquiry. He read a correspondence which had passed between Lord Aberdeen and himself as to the rearrangement of the War de- partment, and the propriety of substituting Lord Palmerston for the Duke of Newcastle as War Minister.
January 29. Mr. Roebuck's motion is carried by 305 to 14& It was opposed by Lord Palmerston and his colleagues in the Ministry.
February 1.Lord Aberdeen announces in the House of Lords the resig- nation of his Ministry.
February 5. Lord Palmerston is intrusted with the formation of a Min- istry; the Queen's application to the Earl of Derby having failed, in conse- quence of the refusal of Lord Palmerston, Mr. Gladstone, and Mr. Sidney Herbert, to take office under him. The Palmerston Ministry is composed of the members of the Aberdeen Government, save the Duke of Newcastle, who retires, and Lord John Rus- sell, whose resignation caused the break-up. Lord Panmure succeeds the Duke of Newcastle as War Minister, Sir George Grey takes Lord Palmer- ston's office of Home Secretary, and Mr. Sidney Herbert goes to the Colonial Department. Mr. Gladstone continues Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Jamul Graham First Lord of the Admiralty, and Mr. Cardwell President of the Board of Trade.
Lord John Russell sets out as Minister Plenipotentiary to Vienna, to con- sider Russian and Austrian proposals for peace.
February 22. Lord Palmerston announces in the Commons the secession from his Government of Mr. Gladstone, Sir James Graham, and Mr. Sidney Herbert. From explanations given, the secession is attributed to Lord Palmerston's acquiescence in the nomination of Mr. Roebuck's Committee, some changes in the names being his Lordship's inducement. Mr. Cardwell joins in the secession. The seceding Ministers take their places on the bench occupied by the representatives of the "Manchester school," latterly known as the "Peace party."
Whilst at Paris, Lord John Russell consents to take the office of Colonial Secretary in the room of Mr. Sidney Herbert. He announces the fact to his constituents under date February 23, and proceeds to Vienna. Sir Come- wall Lewis succeeds Mr. Gladstone ; Sir Charles Wood succeeds Sir James Graham ; Lord Stanley of Alderley succeeds Mr. Cardwell. A change also takes place in the office of Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, the Earl of Carlisle re- placing the Earl of St. Germans.
April 30. Lord John Russell appears in his place in Parliament.
May 24. Mr. Disraeli's motion accusing Ministers of "ambiguous language and uncertain conduct" in reference to the great question of "peace and war," comes on for discussion. Lord John Russell's speech is so warlike that it induces Mr. Roebuck and some other Members to alter their intention and vote against Mr. Disraeli's motion. Mr. Gladstone and the other se- ceding Ministers strongly recommend the acceptance of the Russian propo- sitions as the basis of peace. After two nights' discussion, the motion is negatived, by 319 to 219.
Count Buol, the Austrian Minister, on observing Lord John Russell's war- like incentives, issues a circular, in which he expresses surprise, and men- tions that Lord John Russell before leaving Vienna expressed his approval of certain propositions suggested by Austria for the settlement of the "third point" on the principle of "counterpoise " as regarded the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, and that his Lordship undertook to recommend to his Go- vernment the acceptance of the propositions. In answer to questions, Lord John Russell admits that Count Bud's state- ment is substantially correct.
Whereupon Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton gives notice of motion con- demnatory of Lord John Russell's conduct, and asserting that "Ins con- tinuance in office as a responsible adviser of the Crown" has shaken confi- dence in the Ministry.
July 16. Previous to this motion coming on, Lord John Russell announ- ces his resignation, and makes a statement Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton makes his speech and withdraws his motion.
Sir William Molesworth succeeds Lord John Russell as Colonial Minister.