The inhabitants of St. Anne's and St. Mary's, Shannon, memo- rialized Lord Anglesey on Friday last week, on the subject of the late intended meeting at Blarney, which was prevented by Government from being held, on the allegation that its purpose was illegal. A deputation, consisting of Dr. Baldwin, candidate for the city of Cork, and eleven other gentlemen, waited on the Marquis at the Clarence Hotel. The- Marquis was attended by Sir Pulteney Malcolm, Sir George Bingham, and a number of other officers. The memorial run as follows- " Showeth, that in a memorial addressed to your Excellency on the 16th of April, last, and signed by the Mayor and the Lord Bishop of Cork, the poor citizens are re- presented as always disposed to On the laws; and although pressed by poverty and deprivation, as having exhibited a laudable example of quiet and patient othordination.. "That the memorialists failed to obtain from the Government the pecuniary assist- ance which thev solicited, at a period when an epidemic, fittai particularly to the (testi-. tute, ravaged the city.—when 57,000 distressisl individuals, and 21,000 persons insex. treme wretchedness, were officially mutibered in a total population of 105.000. " That, in circumstances so afflicting to humanity, the only remedy which presedted itself for our distresses was the revival of the branches of industry that formerly affiliated employment to the labouring classes. " That associations for the encouragement of Irish manufactures were formed with ads sole and laudable object,—in object at one time highly favoured and emphatically-re- commended by your Eseellency. " That the populous parishes of Blarney and Whiteclutreh, concurring in the views of these associations, announced a meeting of their inhabitants at the village of Blarney, on Sunday the 15th of' July, in order to co-operate with the citizens. " That, to the astcmishment of all persons owned in this humane, national, and constitutional undertaking. the village designeefor the asuemblage of peaceable and orderly individuals, was found at the appointed hour preoccupied by infantry, cavalry, mid arlillury, under the direction of the Magistrates, n ho prohibited the intended meet- ing...although unaccompanied by banners or bands of music : that the meeting waspost- lamed in consequence of this prohibition, and in order to avoid any sanguinary collision with the military. " That the aSSOCial ions in Cork, and the co-operating inhabitants of' the country dis- tricts, solemnly deny that they intended to promote the consumption of Irish manufac- tures by penalty or compulsion, or the obligation of an oath, or the exclusion by force of British products.
" That they, on the contrary, entinced the necesoity of prices as low, and commodi- ties as good, as those of other countries, in order to insure a permanent preference to Irish articles in the Irish market.
" That it is a violation of every principle of liberty and personal security, and social confidence and prosperity, to have persons thus engaged and assembled for such pur- poses subjected to military interference or aggression, or to dispersion at the command of any secretary, or sub-secretary, or local magistracy.
"That, as your Excellency can law investigate the entire transaction on the very spot where it occurred, you are earnestly solicited to institute a strict inquiry into all the circumstances before you leave this city ; and not to suffer false charges, or inju- rious impressions of the conduct and dispositions of our people, to be conveyed to the Legislature or the Government."
When Dr. Baldwin had read the memorial, he offered it to the Lord Lieutenant. His Excellency taking it from Dr. Baldwin, observed- " I consider this memorial as a charge upon the civil and military autho- rities here ; and I am ready to take up the cudgels for both." He ad- mined at the same time, that the disposition of the people had been • excellent until within the lust two years. He then went on to the second paragraph ; on which he remarked-
" You must see the justice of having refused the relief alluded to, inasmuch. as if it had been accorded to Cork, it would have been at the expense of the rest of the country. This would be acting very unfairly hy others. The Govern- ment never refused pecuniary aid when applied to for it, upon the conditions on which alone it could be granted,—naniely, a proper and sufficient arrangement foe the repayment of advances ; and I assert that no application put forward upon these just grounds has been unsuccessful."
Dr. Baldwin reminded his Excellency, that in the case of the West Indies andCanada, no such conditions were imposed : but the object of the statement was not to cast blame on the Government, but to justify the intended meeting.
On the 4th paragraph, Lord Anglesey remarked, in a tone of irrita- tion, that it appeared to imply a charge on himself, that he bad forgot-• ten the declarations he had formerly made on the subject of Irish mann-. factures. He did not think they could receive any proper support from such a meeting as that of Blarney.
Dr. Baldwin endeavoured to sooth his Excellency, by denying any such intention on the part of the memorialists. Lord Anglesey then inquired why the meeting was advertised for a. Sunday ; and why so large a meeting was attempted to be congregated- together ? Dr. Baldwin answered, that Sunday was the only day that did not interfere with the employments of the people, and that the numbers which would have assembled were merely meant to give force- to the opinions of the people by showing that so many concurred_in them. The Marquis then laid down his vie* of the law respecting public meetings- " With respect to such meetings, I conceive that an erroneous view has been taken of the law regulating and prohibiting them. Such masses of people, though unaccompanied by banners or bands of music, are clearly illegal.. If a meeting be so large as to excite terror in the minds of persons even of delicate i nerves, t is illegal. It is my duty to enforce the fulfilment of the law, and. to assist the authorities to carry it into execution; and I consider the meeting al- luded to illegal, in such a degree, that I think the civil authorities were perfectly, justifiable in suppressing it ; and having called in the assistance of the military, for that purpose, I conceive that they, too, have acted with propriety. They did not meet, moreover, for the purpose of petitioning. I do not mean to say that the existing laws do not need. alteration ; on the contrary, I am every day sug- gesting amendments in them ; but so long as they continue the laws of the land —although I may not concur in the policy of them—I-will uphold them, even: by military power if necessary."
Dr. Baldwin reminded the Marquis, that if mere numbers constituted illegality, then the Reform meetings, with which Ministers had corre- sponded, were illegal. Besides, there were other objects than petition- ing, for which the people might legally meet ; such at least was the- opinion of Blackstone, of Grattan, and also of Fox.
The Marquis demurred to Fox— He was intimately acquainted with the opinions of the nephew of that distin- guished statesman, Lord Holland, whose liberality and love of constitutional: liberty could not be questioned; and yet he certainly did not recognize that view of the law.
He then went on to observe, that it was the continual agitation of Ireland that prevented its evils from being relieved by the introduction.
of British manufacturing capital. • "
Dr. Baldwin did not concur in this doctrine. There had been several intervals of profound quiet since the Union ; yet -none of that capital which was to effect so much good had yet comer ainong them. It was. from agitation only that they had gained any advantage. . --
Lord Anglesey then_went on to speak of the Ministry and himself. The Ministry, he said, was the most liberal that had been in power for a long period ; and yet both factions of the country were bent on neu- tralizing its endeavours:to relieve Ireland- " For myself, I am suffering martyrdom between the parties. In 1828, I was the most popular man in Ireland, and I will take to myi:If the credit of having been the immediate milli': of procuring. Catholic Emancipation. For my acts in
the Government at that period, I lost the confidence of the of Eng- land ; I was deprived of ray office; and, what I valued far higher than any other consideration, I lost the friendship and regard of the King-. All this I suffered for Ireland and her welfare; and I must say I have met with a most ungrateful return. At the time I refer to, I was tile most popular man in Ireland ; anti now, by the machinations of agitators and leaders, and the misrepresentations of interested parties, I am the most unpopular man."
He turned; in pronouncing these words, to his suite; who, as ill duty bound, bent in acquiescence. • After another attempt to sooth his irri- tation had been made by Dr. Baldwin, the Marquis went on-
" A day will shortly arrive—it can't be distant—ludo:A it is not possible it ‘can be distant—when measures already prepared and in preparation for the Go- vernment of Ireland will be developed, and when justice will be done to the Government of the country fur its good intentions. When that day conies_and dome it shortly will—I shall expect to receive from yon a letter of acknowledg- ment upon the suhject, and of thanks for what is now in kogress of logislative Preparation, and for my individual exertions in contributing to create an order of things suited for those measures. I necessarily found .111) self at variance with two parties, which are struggling for their own private and factions ends—re•- tarding iniprovement, injuring the country, and obtructing the measures of the Government. One of those parties I have put down, and you want to mount and bestride them ; but that shall not be, fur I will Master you both."
• He added a word on political economy— 't And with respect to the repeal of the Union, to enable any inn:ill:A man to decide upon the advantage of such a measure, I would 'lady tt-b: Lilo to the quavs of Dublin, and 1 would there inquire of him whit wool,' b of the trade. of the country if severed-from ling-land ? What of your corn, your pigs, and your butter ? Why, I would but ask my friend Sir Puiteney Mal- colm, and iour gun-brigs, to blockade every river in your country." Sir P. Malcolm bowed in acquiescence to this declaration. After this denunciation of the misery that would ensue to the Irish from a dissolution of the-Union—that they would be obliged to eat their OW/I pigs—the Marquis seems to,have got tired of the conversation ; and it was in consequence taken up by an.unknown gentleman of his suite, who remarked, that as Dr. 13aldwin was a candidate for Cork, he had better reserve his remarks for the House of Commons— Dr. BALDwrx—c, I do expect, Sir, to have the honour of representing my native city in Parliament ; but the observations I have made here were not un- solicited: they were in reply to questions put to me by his Excellency, and I was induced to make them by his urbanity."
The unknown gentleman was .silenced by this reply, and there was a pause. At length, two or three unknowns ventured to observe, that it waxed late; - and his Excellency in consequence rose, and the Deputa- tion also. He seemed disposed to part with them in tolerable compla- cency; but, unfortunately, Dr. Baldwin, when about to make his bow, mentioned the name of Sir William Gossett ; and Lord Anglesey im- mediately blazed forth again ten times hotter than ever-
- " There is no such person as Sir William Gossett—I am Sir William Gossett; be is my private secretary ; I adopt his acts, and I will answer for them. You call for an inquiry; if you wish it, it shall be granted you. The Government has never refused to direct an inquiry when any sufficient grounds have been alleged for its institution. Though I ant satisfied that this will have the same termination as most other proceedings of a similar kind, I will grant it if you wish. I have always selected for such inquiries men of the most honourable character, and from the most liberal class of the profession; and I have yet found that they invariably terminated in the exculpation of the accused party. '
The Conference ended here. The Cork Reporter, from which we take the particulars of it, says slyly—" The Deputation could not depart without strong feelings of respect for the character and independence of *his Excellency, and for that benignity of manner which so happily and quickly succeeded every indication a displeasure." O'Connell has addressed a letter to the Political Union, calling on them to second. him in an attempt which he is strenuously bent on, to impeach Lord Anglesey, Mr. Stanley, and Mr. Blackburn' the At- torney-General, in a Reformed Parliament, for their conduct in respect
• to Blarney Meeting and other matters. He concludes by a declaration • of his intentions respecting tithe and vestry cess-
- " I conclude with this declaration of my own personal intentions. First, I am determined never again voluntarily to pay tithes. Second, I am determined never again voluntarily to pay vestry cess. Third, I am determined never to boy one single article sold for tithe or vestry cess. Such are my three indivi- dual resolutions; let every other man act as he . pleases. I have made up my mind to this course. I will not oppose the law—let it take its course; but 1 de- cline paying to, or buying from tithe proctors." . For the next six months then, instead of the " repale," we shelf. have the "inmaychment." "Variety is charming, even in humbug.
• Mr. Otway Cave was on Wednesday sennight elected member for the county Tipperary.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin has prohibited the holding of Donny- brook Fair, this month, for a longer period than twenty-four hours.
• On Tuesday the 7th, Mr. Duff, chief constable of Police at Dun- gannon, proceeded by command of, and accompanied by Colonel Caul- field, a Magistrate, with twenty-eight policemen, to .Ardboe, twelve miles from Dungannon, to protect a party in levying distress for tithes due to the executors of the late Dr. Hall. The Police, on their return, were assailed at a cross-road by an immense assemblage, who in- sisted on the liberation of the prisoner. This was' of course, refused, and the Police were compelled, in self-defence, to fire, when, as far as has been ascertained, three of the peasantry were killed, and several wounded. The Police took four prisoners, and succeeded in lodging the distress in the custody of the proper authorities.—Dublin Times. In the evidence of Mr. Mahony before the Tithe Committee, it is Mated that, according to a.return from the Register's Office, the mort- gages on Irish estates in the last three years were 934,3501. This was the aggregate amount of such of them as bad the consideration-money marked. on the memorials; but as there were 341 which had no indica- tion of the amount of the consideration-money, , the real aggregate may be estimated at least at a million. Besides mortgages, there were Ithree Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, 17.& neer, at more than 12,715,5781.—Dub1tn Evening Post. 24,156,83e/a or an actual debt of 12,804,372/., besides interest. Add- landed property of Ireland is not estimated by Mr. Griffith, the engi- ing to this the amount of the mortgages, we have a total debt recorded; within the last three years, of 13,546,602/. ; nine tenths of which, Mr. transactions of enormous magnitude in bonds and judgments. In the original judgments were entered on cognovit (that is, upon bonds with warrant of attorney); 3,776 judgments were revived ; and 1,465 judg- ments redocketed ; which together represented a penal sum of Mahony supposes. affect landed property alone. The value of all the A large quantity of iron and metal work, for mounting the guns ow the Lower Shannon, arrived at Limerick on Tuesday from Dublin; and a party of artillery are now employed in forwarding the above to its. destination.—Limerick Chronicle.