Thug i'ost this mornieg lc,a : aong article on New
Zealand, in which it is staved that the I/ilea:tors of the New Zealand Company are " Libe- rals all." It is not often that the .11oriiiily ()est eommits such a blunder ; and on this occasion it is the matte surprising, as our contemporary, in the same artiele in which the misstatement occurs, actually prints a list of the Din t• tore including the names of the Honourable Francis Baritig, Sir Ceorett Sinclair, and Aldermen Thompson, all of them Con .r.. a■-kt,•••■ Sir Hobert Peel as their leader.•.,- these Mes.Issoid P,,r1: !meet, the list comprises SUVeetti 1110, Chttfl! wt..11 lova.% aa in of v.:I:ft:a we shall only name the lse 11 y•CItt,..-tstbr, :stir. S•st: , slier christened the vessel which took tett (clue, Vu l. •S! sIst, th, exploring-stall; " the Tory." Agaith tee •...i.; hi. !;:t Covr...lior of the Piyinouth Comp.:rty I.C.•., Z • .! .; id; fitriet cohnexion stitii the ry I .1 'el lb.,, on, and that an :Kok e pro.
motcr of tne toe: .rstLis Loot Eliot. 's i• It Is remark:J..1e - • • obit should he appointed to Admiral
Sir R .",,•rt Stopford, 4l/snet er irt-Chisf in the ilIetliterranette,
who • • s•rin of tt. the !oh of Febreary last ; and the fact tit 1001', ■I!! tho gallant officer has Iteen
Gbh, t, arc t•ofe,'• o caac; l.huiaelthi, to retire from his squadron at 1 , .r.c lo •!er cit !,1:,Itzt.
A i: with respect to Admiral Sir Robert 01. way, the C•stititit rider t it • m hose period of' service termi-
nated oce tlie 2:trl : tech who is at this moment in eseseet attendance Ole Ile, Qta• te. 'I let number of days which WM ofiiver has
been absent from Itt to'. et, in the perifirmsece of his duty as ;a I :room to the Queen, orate'. .v tlte 0-eess5ales5 of haviee an Admiral at
SheerhseS, aryl th.: lcitc etC ha, enjoyed is ith the Admiralty.