[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—I understand that powers have been conferred, under the Galloway Water Power Act, 1929 (19 & 20 Geo. V. C. lx-s.-x.), incorporating the Company and authorizing them to construct works for the purpose of generating electricity by means of water power available in Kirkcudbrightshire and Ayrshire from Loch Doon and the watersheds of the Rivers Dee and Doon, also authorizing the Company to supply elec- tricity in the County of Kirkcudbright. The supply area covers 898 square miles, with a population at the last census of 31,000, the average density being 34 persons per square mile.
The works to be constructed include the raising of the levels of Loch Doon, which, with a new loch to be formed near Loch Dee, will be the principal reservoirs of the system, the forma- tion of the two new reservoirs and four power station head- ponds, and the damming and regulation of Loch Ken. The catchment area covers about 400 square miles.
It is proposed to erect five generating stations : Tongland, Glenlee, Earlstoun, Garsfad and Kendon, with a total gene- rating capacity of about 100,000 kws. The scheme, which was promoted by the Power and Finance Co., Ltd., is designed to supply the peak loads of the industrial areas of Central Scotland and North of England through the national " grid," a line of which is projected along a route in close proximity to this source of supply. The scheme may cost up to £3,000,000.
The recent case of the proposed Grampian Hydro-Electric Scheme proved fruitful in demonstrating that there are many interests over and above the supply of electricity, which should be brought to bear in the planning of such a scheme as is con- templated in Galloway. The threat to some of the beauty spots. in the region should incite all lovers of Scotland to combine in resisting. so .far as is consistent with the require- ments for such a scheme anything which will tend to destroy the amenities, or disregard the best interests of the community.
Under the Act authorizing the Galloway Water Power Scheme provision is made for the appointment of an Amenity Committee, which, I understand, is about to be established, but it should have been in existence and working in close con- sultation with the promoters of the scheme right from its inception.—I am, Sir, &c., J. MACAULAY, Hon. Secretary Town Planning Institute (Scottish Branch). 37 St. Vincent Crescent, Glasgow, C. 3.