17 OCTOBER 1914, Page 14



SIR,—In your interesting article "At Loggerheads" in last week's issue you say, in reference to the German men, guns, aeroplanes, and ships: " We know the worst." Are we sure of this ? Do we know what is taking place in the enemy's naval arsenals ? Supposing it is true that they are rapidly con- structing five hundred submarines superior to the present type in speed, accuracy, and range in order at some future date to make a sudden raid on the Grand Fleet. Are we prepared for such a disconcerting attack ? The enemy, with their usual prodigality, would be ready, if necessary, to sacrifice three-fifths of their submarines and crews to our guns so long as they fatally crippled the Fleet and opened out the way for their transports to reach our shores. The work of construc- tion in the German arsenals is an unknown quantity.—I am, [No doubt there is great activity in Germany's naval arsenals, but so there is in ours. We greatly doubt any state- ment tending to prove that the Germans can build more rapidly than we can. The number five hundred is, we feel sure, quite impossible.—ED. Spectator.]