" The Prince Royal," says a letter from Hanover, "
still keeps his apartments, into which the light is gradually allowed to be intr ;duaed. It is supposed that the second operation will not take place for nine months.—Mwning Post.
The Augsburg Gazette of the 5th instant announces, under date frontiers of Italy, the 27th ultimo, that the King of Sardinia, in antici- pation of a rupture with France, had ordered horses to be purchased for his cavalry, and called out the contingents of recruits for 1840.
Advices front Constantinople of the 2Gth of September, inserted in the Augsburg Gazette, mention a report that a detachment of Russian troops, sixteen thousand strong, had embarked at Odessa and Sebastopol for the Bosphorus, and that they would eneamp in Asia Minor, on the road to Ekishaber.
" There are at this moment in Geneva," says the iVunvelliste Vinalok, "a large number of English who are in a very disagreeable situation in consequence of the stoppage of Hammersley's in London. Three English ladies in particular, who for the last ten years had been econo- mizing their money in order to make a visit to Switzerland, had just arrived at Geneva, when they learned the stoppage of Hammersley's, and the 300/. worth of his circular notes which they had with them were no better than waste paper. They were without friends, and did not know a soul in the place. Many similar cases have Collie to our knowledge."