The 8111111 Irish question of the ilepeel of the 1 - nion
is pro- ducing the separation of " very friends.- Not only have Lord EttruNearox and Mr. 0' C ON N In .1. perted campany Oil that meatier. but the members of the Metropolitaa Coes:svative Society of Ire- land seem disposed to go to log,eesheads e)set i:. At a meeting of this body on Monday, Mr. 11.kN DAL Pl.'. N'Al:T as illlill'OW Ili il iSelf alld some resolutions of which he had givee taltice against Repeal, in consequence of threatened opposili.el. Ills resolutions were Moved by another member ; and were opr -eel by 0:her resolutions of more equivoyal character respeethis the hi •e■cal. ain: ettributing all the evils of Ireland to the coneess..e to Poi‘ery. Tha debefe. on these resolutions was contineed t::: •• ' ini,z'at. :ad Wac to be re- sumed at the next sitting. The it.'.' it moveMent progrestztes but lamely : in spite of Mr. 0',-sosest it's brag to the contrary, tie declaration oh' the Lord-Lieu:elm. esems to have ..,:isesn it tt serious Iblow.