17 MAY 1924, Page 2

Mr. Snowden seemed to be much disconcerted by the reasonableness

of Mr. Baldwin's speech, which he des- cribed as a " milk-and-watery " production. He con- gratulated the Unionists on their interest in the problem of unemployment, " so very recently developed "—a taunt which not unnaturally missed fire. The Chancellor's main points were that the men in the motor trade had been intimidated into signing petitions against the removal of the duties, that Mr. Morris had grossly exagger- ated both the number of men he employed and the number of cars he held in stock, and that the duties kept the price of cars high, and destroyed the incentive to lower production costs. Mr. William Graham wound up the Debate for the Government. In the division, the motion was defeated by 65 votes-317 for the Government, and 252 against.