We note from a Reuter telegram that Colonel House, in
view of the reports which have reached Paris of the activities of the delegates in Ireland, has decided not to act as an intermediary between them and Mr. Lloyd George. That is a character- istically courteous act on the part of Colonel House, but we are bound to say we should have thought itwas primarily the business of the British Premier to see that the Union flag and the Govern- ment of the United Kingdom were preserved from insult, and that any necessary reproof should be administered by a British Minister rather than by even so sincere a friend and well-wisher of our nation as Colonel House. Apparently in the gay hunt for Self-Determination for every other people on the face of the earth we are losing that right for ourselves! We wonder whether we shall not wake up some day to find that China or Peru has received a mandate from the League of Nations to administer the United Kingdom !