17 MAY 1834, Page 11



The Cousol Market evinced great firmness iu the early part of tho week, and the price fur Account has been as high as 93. Up to this morning, it was generally be.

lieved that the opposition to the plan for who reduction of the 4 per Cents. would be feeble, and the numbers of stockholders who would express their dissent very few ; but the contrary opinion now seems to prevail, and it is believed that the measure -will not be carried with the facility at first anticipated. To no other cause can we attribute the the decline in Consols which took place this morning : the opening price was 921 93; but soon after the commencement of business, a sudden fall to 921 occurred. The market has rallied a little during the course of the day, and the closing price is 921 1. A bargain was effected on Wednesday in the New 5 per Cents, at the price of 1359. It is very rarely that any transactions occur ilk this stock, which does not exceed 600,000f, in amount : it was created on the last reduction of 31 per Cents., the holders of the former stock receiving 70!. 5 per Cents. for every 100!. 34 per Cents; as it is chiefly held by trustees, it very rarely finds its way into the market. The disproportion of 21 per cent. in price which exists betneen this Stock and the Bonds of the Anglo•Greek Loan, both of which are British Parliamentary Securities, cannot be accounted for on aay rational grounds.

The Foreign Continental Stocks have been in greater demand this week than fur

seine time past. Some very considerable investments have occurred in Dutch Bonds : the price of the 29 per Cents. has been as high as 521; but on the arrival of yester- day's mail from Amsterdam, several extensive sub's were made on Dateh account : the market has been depressed by these, and is to-day heavy, closing at 529 9. Russian Bonds maintain their high quotation, and are 1061. The Bonds of the new Greek Loan are again in request ; the portions of French and Russian guarantee at 1001 to 101, and those of the Eitel ish guarantee at 1141. Spanish Stock has fluctuated considerably. The postponement of the Loan is generally looked upon as favourable to the ultimate recognition of the Cori ei Bonds; and though several speculators have been induced to get rid of their slue k, the disposition to sell has not been general among the holders, the majority of whom seem still to lx, sanguine. The fluctuation &trim; the week has been between 361 and 349, at which latter price the Bonds were at one time this morn- ing : a rally has since occurred to 351. and the closing price this afternoon is 359 9.

The Portuguese Bonds have maintained their price, and have not fluctuated so much

as the Spanish Stock. It is almost evident that the struggle in the Peninsula is nearly closed ; audIthat circumstance, together with the report of the ea; tore of Figueiras by Admiral Nernst', has sustained the market. The price of the Bonds has been as high as 799; was at one time to-day at 781; and closes at 789 1-

Some disposition to purchase South American Stocks has arisen within the lest few days. Both Mexican anal Columbian Bonds have been bought at higher prices than last week : the former have been at 451, and close at 451 ; and the latter, after having been at 271, close at 27.


We have nothing of importance to report this morning; and our duty must be confined to the quotation of prices. 3 per Cent. Consuls 92 r Dutch 2t per Cents 524 Ditto for Account 921 1 I French 3 per Cents

New 3;, pr Ceu. Annuities 1001 1 I Greek. 1933, 5 per Cents 105 9 Bank Sleek Mexican 6 per Cents. 45t India Stock for Account 269 270 Portuguese 5 per Cents...... 781 9 Exchequer Bills 50 51 Do. Regency Scrip5 pereent. 788 9 Belgian 5 per Cents. 989 I Prussian, 1818, 5 per Cent... - Brazilian 5 per Cents. 74 6Russian, 1822. 5 per Cent 1069

Danish 3 p i peer Cents. 751 Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent... 351 1