17 MARCH 1860, Page 10



The demand for money has been considerably on the increase during the week, and the rates of discount have averaged about 4 per cent ; in the Stock Exchange, loans on Government Securities have not been negotiated under 4 and 3} per cent. On the other hand, investments in the funds have tended to counteract the effect which would consequently have been

produced, and quotations, though dull occasionally, have shown upon the whole great firmness. Consols opened on Monday, 941941 for 11th April, and 94f 9511 for Account ; these prices were not long maintained, and the final prices of the day showed a reaction of nearly 4 per cent, Console closing 941 only. On Tuesday, very little business was transacted, but a somewhat better tone existed in anticipation of a satisfactory explanation in the House of Commons, with regard to the position of Ministers in connection with the annexation of Savoy and Nice. On Wednesday, after the de- bate, there was still greater firmness, and Consols were quoted up to the close 941 95. Yesterday, upon considerable purchases on the part of the public, and less apprehension in connexion with conti- nental affairs, the English Funds were very buoyant, and Consols were negotiated early in the day at 951; but a sudden relapse took place in the afternoon, and the final figure was 941 only. Today a feeling of dis- trust as regards France seems again to prevail, and dulness reigns al, round. Console for Account have been heavy, at 941 buyers only, but leave off 941 94, with a better tendency. French Rentes have been telegraphed daily at fluctuations averaging f per cent, the markets on this side being more or less influenced by each succeeding telegram. On the news from India that no Loan will be required to meet the deficit declared by Mr. Wilson, Indian Rupee paper has been in demand again, and the several quotations show increased firmness. Bank Stock Reduced and New Three per. Cents shut.

In the Foreign Market prices have in most cases advanced, but business has been of a very trifling character. Turkish Stocks have improved about 1 per cent, and Buenos Ayres Six per Cents have likewise risen 1 per cent. A good deal of business has been done in Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, which have advanced 2 per cent, and Spanish f per cent. higher, and Vene- zeula f per cent lower, closing 261 2R ; Mexican has been steady at 22 22f ; Buenos Ayres, 84 86; Ditto, Three per Cent, 24 25 ; Peruvian Four- and-a-half per Cent, 92 93; Ditto, Three per Cent, 72 73 ; Ditto, Uriberren, 831 84f ; Ditto, Dollar Bonds, 81 82 ; Grenada Active, 15 16; Portuguese, 44 44} ; Spanish, 451 451; Turkish Old Six per Cent, 80 81; Ditto, New, 63 64. The New Bueuos Ayres Railway Shares, allotted yesterday, are now 1 lf prem. ; Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, 92 93 ; Sardinian, 84 85 ; Brazilian, 93 94 ; Russian Five per Cent, 108 110.

This has been settling week in the Railway Share Market, and, al- though attention has been chiefly directed towards the liquidation of the account, there has been nevertheless a large amount of business doing for the end of the month. Quotations show an improvement daily ; establishing finally an ,advance all round, ranging from I to 2 per cent. Great Northern, 109 111 has risen lf, per cent., and Caledonian, 91 911 ex div. ; South-Eastern and Dover, 871881} ex div., and North Stafford, 14 1, show an advance of f per cent. Midland firm at 1111 1111 ; Great Western and Berwick have been purchased up to 69 69} and 93} 93f, exhibiting a rise of fully 2 per cent. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, is quoted at an improvement of lf per cent, 42 43 ; London and North-Western 1 per cent, 98 981 ; and London and South-Western, 921 93/, the latter having advanced 1 per cent ; Lancashire and Yorkshire closes 100 1001 ; and North British, 61f 61f, the former about 2 and the latter 11 per cent better. Contangos and rates of continuation have been moderate.

The French Share Market has been steady. Paris and Lyons, 35} 36 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 2512.51; Northern of France, 36} 37 ; Midi, 19f 20; ; Lombardo-Venetian flat, 11 lfpremium, on the call of 41., and the Italian complications. The improved financial state of India, and the contemplated establishment of the Bank of India, with an issue of Bank-notes, have given confidence to the Indian Share Market, and prices are all good. East In- dian, 102; 1021 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 991 100} ; Madras, 98 99 ; Bom- bay and Baroda, 97 98. Among miscellaneous things, the shares of the Ocean Marine Company are quoted 31 31 premium ; Universal Ditto, 11 premium ; London and Provincial Ditto, f 1 premium. Bank of Turkey, If 11 discount.