A very interesting debate, nominally on a motion for a
grant of secret-service-money, really on the existence of the present French IdidIstry, occupied the Chamber of Deputies from Monday to sday evening ; when it was not concluded; and it was un- cerfirff bow much longer it would be carried on. The Doctrinaires have openly quarrelled with Count MOLE'S Ministry, and formed a junction with Mums, in the expectation of forcing GUIZOT again iota e. M. JAUBERT, an eloquent orator of the Doc- trinaire p ommenced the attack on Ministers. G1SQUET, formerly of Police, but now in Opposition, threatened the disclosure a manner in which the secret-service-money was spent. speech excited a great" sensation ;" and, according
to a malicious rumour, completely upset Count MONTAL1VET, Min' ter of the Interior; who certainly fainted, and was carried out t o ' e Chamber, Another story is, that MoerrattVET wished for a pportunity to prepare a reply to GISQUET, and feigned ill- ness. The general impression is, that THIERS and GU1ZOT will sucegedit. ousting Moue and his colleagues; and then will come the quietTion, whether either or both will be taken into office by the gaog. But, tgitit:ver may be the result as affects individuals, everybody seems persuaded that Lours PHILIP will main. tam n his own policy, and continue, as he has always been, his own Prime Minister, using MOLE, GUIZOT, Tutees, and the rest, only as his instruments and puppets.