On the 12th inst. at Chatham, the Lady of HENRY SANDHAM, Esq. Royal Engitners,
of a sou.
Ou the 13th inn. Mrs. Ernoon, of Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, of a son. I n Mansfield Street, the Right Hon. Lady PETRI:, of a son. • On the 13th inst. at the Warden's, Merton College, Oxford, Lady J. CARMICHAEL ANSTRUTHER, of a daughter.
On the Rh inst. at High Legit Domestic Chapel, Sir PHILLIP as MAT.PAS GREY Eozwrox, Bart. of Chilton Park, Cheshire, to ANNA ELIZABETH, second daughter of George John Legli, Rsq. of High Legit, in the same county. OD the Milk in at Woodbridge, Suffolk, the Rev. G. W. KERSHAW, of Woodbridge, to Come r.orrE, eldest daughter of W. Woods Page, Esq. of the same place. Ou the 2.11 of February, at the British Endxtssy in Paris, by the Right Rev. Bishop Lie:combo, JOUR CHARLES CAMPBELL, EMI. of the 45th Regiment, to LISETTA, cidesi (laughter of 'Richard Daunt. Esq. county of Cork. On the 10th inst. at the Temple de l'Oratoire, Paris, Monsieur SER ASTIEN STAN [stars Hour, of Rouen, son of Lieut.-Col. Node, Chevalier du Legion irtionneur, to ELIZA. eldest daughter of John Robson, Esq. of Hamilton Place, London.
On the 101h inst. at her house in Gloucester Place, Portman Square, in her 76th year, MARY Msxxens- Surrox, widow and relict of thp late Most Rev. Charles Manners Sutton, D.D. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. On the 4th inst. at Arrnathwaite Hall. Cumberland, in his 71st year, Sir FRED. FLETCHER VANE, Bart. On the 13th inst. in Hertford Street, May Fair, in her 93d year, the wife of GEORGE T. GOODENOUDIT, Esq. On the 5th inst. at Exeter, suddenly, while dressing himself, Mr. JOSEPH Moons, in his nth year. On the 5th inst. at Exeter. JOSEPH Puti.r.orr, Esq. senior Alderman of that city. On the 5th inst. at Ids Chambers, in Bernard's Inn, in his 66th year, the Rev. S. P. Slit:MAR a, of West Wickham, Kent, Rector of Constantine, Shropshire. On the 25;11 ult. at Ardtalacraig„ Lochtayside, in his 85th year,-Ewsx MACDOUGALL, writer and Baron Clerk to the Marquis-of Breadalbane. Ewen was well known as the best antiquarian cicerone to all travellers in the hi iOdands. On the llth inst. at his cottage, in the Vale of Evesham, Worcestershire, in his Slat year, M. CLEMENT', the eminent composer and pianoforte player. On the 13th inst. at the Vicarage, Great Beddow, in his 27th year, THOMAS ABER- CROMBIE THANT, Captain in his Majesty's 28th Regiment, only son of Major-General Sir Nicholas Trant. On the 2d inst. at her residence, Ludlow, SARAH, relict of Admiral Vashon, and sister to the late Admiral Peter Rainier. On the 28th ult. at Whitehall, Grange, N. B. in his Slat year, the Rev. JOHN Patmsosz, pastor of the Secession congregation in That place. On the 12th inst. at Wilton, in hisleth year.the Rev. HENRY HETLEY, Rector of Wil- ton, in the county of Wilts, and of Aldworth, in thecOunty of Becks, and one of the 'Pre-
bendaries of Salisbury Cathedral. . .
The Celebrated Csawoi.most died a few days ago at Paris, in his 42d year.