17 MARCH 1832, Page 11

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, 13th March.


DALMAIIOY and Jowzs, London-Moat:es and DAVI Es, Dudley, hatters-J. and W. PEARSE, Exeter. linen-drapers-PAyNE and BARR, Madeira, merchants-J. and J. HER- Nox, Saekville Street, tailors_-BrRCHALL and ',AYCOCK, Leeds, woollen eloth-manufac- turers-PoOMORE and Co. Chester, upholsterers-HoNEY and Ssnytt, Plymouth. hat- ters-T. and W. BOTCHER, Epsom, carpenters-Roust:sox and Ilitt„ Broad Street, Ratcliffe, ironmongers-WILT:IA:us and BRYANT, Merthyr-Tydvil, common-brewers- SMITHIES and ORms, Manchester, cotton-leaders-T. and W. BarTHERTorr, Liverpool, common-brewers-BENTLEy and FISHER, Wigan, glass dealers-'1PDERsiort and Co. Vine Street, Lambeth, linen-drapers ; as lhr as regards NVDERMOTT-SITAYLE and Co. Oxford, ironmongers-AsliwoRTH and Co. Beldeld Mill, Lancashire, fillkn-millers- HARRis and Co. Fenny Stratford, wharfingers-JouNsToN and Co. Milbrook, Hants, patent steam-boiler-makers; as far as regards JOHNSTON-CRopplin and Co. Liverpool ; as far as regards J. CROppER, BENSON, and J. and E. CRoppER-WOOD and WADE, Ludlow, paper-makers.


LEwTS, GEORGE, Vere Street, Oxford Street, broker. MERcER, JAMES, Tivanston, Northamptonshire, innholder.


ARIfITAGE, JOSEPH, and GREENWOOD, JAMES, Swamp, Yorkshire, stuff-manufac- turers, from March 27 to April 11. PAREINSON, EDWARD CHANDLER, Eccles Hill, Yorkshire, apothecary. from March 20 to April 10.

WARING, Joys: and JOSEPH, Lepton, Yorkshire, fancy cloth-manufacturers, April 12.

BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. JONES, EDWARD, CantertalrY, grocer. SKIDMORE, JOSEPH, Nottingham, bobbin-maker.

WILSON. HENRY, Sun Street, woollen-draper.


ALLEN, Joni% Tiverton, druggist, to surrender March 29, Apn1 24 : solicitors, Mr. Bennett, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn ; and Mr. Loosemore, Tiverton. BARTHOLOMEW, dossaint; Derby, upholsterer, March 23, April 24:. solicitor, Mr. Peachey. Salisbury Square.

BAyLty, GEORGE, Bristol, silk-mercer, March 27, April 21: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Lincoln's 11111 Old Buildings ; and Messrs, Bush and yrideaux, and Mr. F. Short, Bristol.

BINCHEN, WILLIAM THomAs, Great Newport Street, Long Acre, leather-cutter, March 27, April 24: solicitor, Mr. Ness, Dyer's Buildings, Holhorm BRoSTER, RICHARD, Stoekport, Cheshire, grcer. March 27, April 24 : solicitors, Mr. Gadsden, Furnival's Inn; and Mr. Coppeck, Steckport. CARRINGTON, JosEpir, Seething Lane, bricklayer, March 27, April 24: solicitors, Messrs. Templar and Spearman, Great Tower Street. CA mpnELL, WILLIAM FRANcis. Hatton Garden, jeWellcr, March 23, April 24: soli- citors, Messrs. Robinson, Charterheuse Square. DEAN, JONAH FossiTT, Burton-upon-Trent, provision-dealer, March 22, 23, April 24: solicitors, Mr. Mosley, Murton-upon-Trent; and Messrs. Philpot and Co. Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square. Emsotv, EttrABETH, Great Bell Alley, painter, March 20, April 24: solicitor, Mr. Wood, Clements Tun.

FIANDER, IIENRy, Sloane Square, plumber, Mardi 22, April 24: solicitor. Mr. Allen, Queen Street, Cheapside. FRANCIS, Jacon,Eriglithelmstone, mercer, March 29, April 24: solicitors, Mr. Free- man, Brighton ; and Messrs. Freeman and liothaniley, Co eman Street.

NIAREs. EDIVARDs, and CHARRINOTON, WILLIAM, Commercial Sale Rooms. Mark Lane, malt factors, March 23, April 24 : solicitors, Messrs. Palmer and France, Bedford Row.

MILLMAN, JOSEPH, Mars-port, Cumberland, ironmonger, March 16, 23, April 24: soli- citors, Mr. Harrison. King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street ; and Mr. Thompson, Maryport.

OSBORNE, JAMES, Bishopsgate Street Within, cheesernouger, March 26, April 24 : so- licitors, Messrs. Tilson and Co. Coleman Street.

PEARCE, WILLIAM. Lostwithiel, timber-merchant, March 30, 31, April 24: solicitors, Mr. Prideaux, Plymouth ; and Mr. Blake, Essex Street.

RINGNLEy. ions, Iliggleswade, corn-factor, March 20, April 24: solicitors. Mr. Bays, Potton, Bedfordshire; and Messrs. Priee and Wakeling., St..lohn's Square. Clerkenwell. ROBINSON. WILL1Am, Hartley Castle, Westmoreland, butcher, March 20, April 24: solicitors, Mr. Adamson, Verttlam Buildings, Gray's Inn ; and Masts. Jackson and Hewitson, Rukby Stephen. SMITH, JAMES, and SNITTH, CHARLES, Bath, grocers. March 26. April 24: solicitors, Mr. Nicholas, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. !lettings, Bath. THompSON, ANTHONY, St. Helen's Place, City, merchant, Marcl; 19, April 24: solici- tors, Messrs. Oliverson and Co. ()Id Jewry. TODD, THomAs, sen. and jun. Birmingham, factors, March 19, 20, April 24: solicitors. Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Raymond's Buildings, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Palmer, Bir- mingham. TomsEy, JosEpH, Little Marylebone Street, victualler, March 23, April 24 : solicitors, Messrs. Thomas and Selby, Sergeant's Inn.

VERITy, WILLIAM, jun. Birkenshaw, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturer, April 10, 24.: solicitors, Mr. Flower, Bread Street ; and Mr. Carr, Gomersal

WILK iNsoN. .Totrx, Sheffield, tavern-keeper. March 30, April 24: "solicitors, Mr. Rogers, Devonshire Square ; and Mr. Siddell Shefliehl.


April 2, J. and W. Jackson, Strand, Stationers-April 4, Zechariah and Novra, nigh Holborn, dealers in toys-April 6, Scott, St. Andrew's. New Brunswick, merchant- April 5, Skiiheck and Slater, King Street, Cheapside, Manchester-warehousemen-April 4, Upperton, Petworth, hanker-April 18, Mansfield and Hackney, Cobridge, Stafford- shire, earthenware-manufacturers-April 11, Events. Birmingham, refiner of metals- April 13, Hirst, Leeds, merchant-April 14, Wood, Leeds, ironmonger-April 5, Roberts. Ansford, Somersetshixe, innkeeper-April 13, Iron, Handsworth, Staffordshire. mer- chant-Apri16, Mousley. Hanley, scrivener-April 9, Swift, Lane End. Staffordshire, mercer-April 6, Sayer, Beccles, linen-draper-April 16, Coates, sen. and jun. Newcas- tle-upon-Tyne. wine-merchants-April 4, Hill, 13radwell, Derbyshire, baker-April 4, Sandwell, Bristol, merchant.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before April 3. Welsh, Whitehaven, tallow-chandler-Knight, Basing Lane, stationcr-Wileon;Wal- cot, chair-maker-Hunter, Church Passage, undertaker-Scott, St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, merchant-Nouaile, Star Court, Bread Street, Cheapside, silkman-Fuller, Paradise Row, islin,eton, merchant-Mason, Pinner. horse-dealer-Clugston and Chap- man, Paul's Wharf, Thames:, Street, merchants-Bretherton, Liverpool, merchant,- Potter, Manchester, calico-printer-Glover. Watling Street, calico-printer.

Friday, 16th March.


blur:T. and BROWNING, Whitechapel High Street, carcass-butchers-IIEATH and COURT, Clack, Wiltshire, tailors-CLARKE and BATLEY, Stockton, Durham, altornics-

J. and L. H. MACINTYRE, Liverpool, provision-merchants-BARTLEET and CLARKE, Redditch, Worcestershire, needle and fish-hook-manufacturers-C. DONNE semi. and C. DONNE jun. Castle Cary, Somersetshire, fax and tow-spinners-HEATH and WATSON, Aldgate, grocers-MORLEY anti SMITH, Park Sawing Mill, Sheffield, sawyers -ROSENBERG and ASCHER, York,.jewellers-Ssirrn and Gowen, Battel, Sussex, black- smiths-J. HOPE and J. HOPE, Manchester, hat-manufacturers-_luaus and PEs.cocK, Toweester, Northamptonshire, grocers-I s:RILING and BARRY, Pulteney Bridge, Bath, grocers-W. WADE and It. WADE, Kingston Cross and Charlotte's Row, Portsea, Southampton, painters.


THORNTON, RICHARD, Horsham, common-brewer, March 13.


JENNE% JAMEs, Little 'Yarmouth, SisfIldk, miller.

JOHNSON, IIENRy, Midhurst, Sussex, timber-merchant.

BANKRUPTS. • BARNETT. SAMUEL, Conduit Street, mercer, to surrender March 20, April 27: solici- tors, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Slreet ; and Mr. Turner, Basing Lane.

BonMAN, WILLIAM, and CA RWA nrcNE, Jon N, Brisk 1, soap-Inannfact owns. March 26. April 27: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Lincoln's Inn; and Messrs. Bevan and Brittan, Bristol.

CopE, Millar, West Bromwich, StaffinrIshire, chemist and druggist. March 31, April 27: solicitors, Mr. Whitehouse, Castle Street, Holborn; and Mr. Weston, Birmingham.

Caisp, WittrAm, Bath, innkeeper, April 10, 27: solicitors, Mr. Stotliert, Bath: and Messrs. Woodhouse and Weston, King's Bench Walk; Temple. DEpREE, GEORGE TAMES, Savoy Wharf; paviour, March 22, April 27: solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Broughton, Falcon Square.

EDMANs, JOHN, Strand, cheesenn 'neer, March 23, April 27: solicitor, Mr, Cole, Ser- geant's Inn, Fleet Street.

FrsHER, JAMES, Regent Street, hatter, April 5, 27: solicitors, Mr. Scott, St. Mildred's Court, Poultry; and Mr. Oakes, Furnival's Ino. GOATEE, JOHN, High Holborn, victualler, March 27, April 27: solicitors, Mr. Willis, Sloane Street; and Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street.

Lorun. JOHN, Hooper Street, Westminster Road, victualler, March 24, April 27: so- licitors, Mr. Fry, Child's Place, Temple Bar; and Mr. Clarke, St. Swithin's Lane. REYNOLDS, JONATHAN, Union Street, New Horton, coal-dealer, April 5, 27: solicitor, Mr. Scott. St.Mildred's Court, Poultry.

SALT, THOMAS, Birmingham, livery-stable-keeper, April 4, 5, 27: solicitors, Mr. Bigg, Southampton Buildings; and Mr. Haywood, Birmingham. TAYLOR, JOHN, Nottingham, boot-maker, March 27, April 27: solicitors, Mr. Wood, Nottingham; and Messrs. Haslam and Bischoff, Copthall Court.

WOODFIELD, THOMAS, White Street, Moorfields, horse-dealer, March 27, April 27: so- licitor, Mr. Waller, Finsbury Circus.


April 6, Davis, Chelsea, tallow-chandler-March 19, Fellowes, AMersgate Street, broker-April 9, Shirley, New Bridge Street, wine-merchant-Apn1 9, Benne% Ken- nington Lane, Surry, boarding house-keeper-April 9, Bookhouse, Great St. Helen's, insurance-broker-April 9, Marsh, Tutbury, Staffordshire, grocer-Apn1 7, Buchanan, Stowmarket, Suffolk, maltsterApril 9, Vann, Braunstone, Northampton, coal-merchant -April IL, Farr, Bristol, silversmith-April 9, W. C. and J. Daughtrey, Kidder- minster, Worcestershire, carpet-manufacturers-April 9, T. Dobson sen, J. Dobson. anti T. Dobson jun., Kidderminster, Worcestershire, carpet-manufacturers-April 16, Johnson, Liverpool, painter.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 6.

Tonge, Grappenhall, Cheshire, dealer-Davis, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, engine- maker-Emans, Birmingham, bookseller-De Buck, Broad Street Buildings' merchant-Van Zeller, Great Winchester Street, merchant-Lloyd, Li linen- draper. draper,