THE CHRISTIAN LINE SIR,—I think your contributor Mrs. Furlong does
rather less than justice to the Church of England Newspaper in her article of last week (though when I read the dear lady's comments on other Anglican periodicals I think we have not done so badly).
Mrs. Furlong says that the CEN 'has the disadvan- tage of being uncompromisingly low church at :s moment when Christians of all backgrounds seem to be yearning for sacramental religion.. .' Mrs. Fur- long knows best what she means by low church.' It is a phrase I loathe, particularly since it implies—for Mrs. Furlong, at least—a belittling of the sacraments of the Gospel.
Mrs. Furlong also finds the CEN 'passionately
Protestant.' Of course the CEN is Protestant—like the Church of England—when viewed against a Roman Catholic background. What surprises me is that Mrs. Furlong has detected a note of passionate attachment to Protestantism in the paper under its new management.
I do not in the least mind having my paper casti- gated by Mrs. Furlong—but I should be happy to think it was being castigated for the right reasons and in more precise terms than those favoured by Mrs. Furlong.—Yours faithfully,
JOIEN C. KING Church of England Newspaper & The Record,
36138 Whitefriars Street, Fleet Street, EC4