Sig,—As a mere public relations officer, may I in the
cause of truth and accuracy comment on a statement in Miss Whitehorn's entertaining article on the corsetry industry last week?
Silhouette's campaign to launch the Little X
girdle in the autumn of 1956 cost 120,000 (not £100,000) and was spread over nearly three months (not three weeks). Although we are now the biggest advertisers in the business, we have never spent anything like £100,000 on a three-week campaign.
Incidentally, I suppose it is all part of the modern craze for speed to suggest that Puck could put a girdle round the earth in twenty minutes. Surely forty minutes would be fast enough for anybody?
These may not be vital statistics, but figures of all kinds are often best unexaggerated and sup- ported.—Yours faithfully, SYLVIA BURLS-HUNT Public Relations Officer Corsets Silhouette Limited Link Information Services Ltd., Orchard House, Orchard Street, WI