The great borough of Bodmin is being canvassed by two
"in- tellectual twins," Mr. Heritage ana Lord Ranelagh, in company, both of whom appear to have reached a very high standard of ori- ginality in the form as well as the matter of their election ad- dresses. Mr. Heritage proposes to save expenditure chiefly " in the civil lists," which would, he hoped, "enable Ministers to reduce that great mammoth of oppression, the National Debt, and gradually extend the principle of indirect taxation." Here is an original financier worth Mr. Gladstone's notice, who has a plan for saving so much on " the civil lists" as to " extend the principle of indirect taxation." What, then, might he not effect by increasing the civil lists? Would it not be an increase of the national debt and a reduction of indirect taxation? Mr. Heritage also goes for making Bodmin the cathedral town of the new diocese, instead of Truro. Lord Ranelagh is, however, perhaps the greater of the two intellectual twins of Bodmin. He is a Conservative, he says, "by birth," which renders it surprising that he thought fit to appear in the world at all. He is " willing to march with the age in the matter of reforms, but it must be and should be a well- timed and well-regulated march, with my rifle handily at my shoulder. I am opposed to 'sloping arms' and ' doubling." This is difficult. If Lord Ranelagh keeps time with the Age, and the Age slopes arms or doubles, does he mean he would fall behind the Age ? Lord Ranelagh has a curious view on Church-rates. He will consent to anything that " not leave the house of God at the mercy of unadvertised and unparaded contributions." So if the rate be abolished, and all contributions to the Church be " advertised and paraded," that would clearly meet Lord Ranelagh's view. Lord Ranelagh is in favour of a good army and navy, but confesses candidly he " would never use these forces without a cause." This is re- assuring, as he tells us he does not want much cause, and would have interfered in America. Surely Bodmin will never be able to resist the fascination of the intellectual Conservative twins?