17 JUNE 1854, Page 20


Tuesday, June 13.

PARzwiniscrins Dissocvzo.-Mosley and Co. Leeds, tobacco-manufacturers-Earl and Woodgate, Mary Street, Hampstead Road, carpenters-Richardson and Blood- worth, High Street, Lambeth, potters-Jacob and Smith, Liverpool, auctioneers- Caston and Vickerman, Howard's Buildings, Brick Lane, St. Luke's, wire-workers -Monselle and Ross, George Street, Manchester Square, church-decorators-Carr and Co. Birkenhead, coal-merchants-Freakley and Ferran. Stoke-upon-Trent, earthenware-manufacturers-Lindner and Carter, Birmingham, merchants-J. and J. Walmsley, Chowbent, Lancashire, butchers-Mayo and Hollick, Birmingham, stock-brokers-Keep and Hinkley, Birmingham, merchants-Illingworth and Sons, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners ; as far as regards D. Illingworth-Ormerod and Co. Newchurch, Lancashire, manufacturers; and Ormerod Brothers. Manches- ter, commission-agents ; as far as regards J. Ormerod-Kirkham and Co. Livesey, Blackburn, power-loom-cloth-manufacturers-Kay and Co. Forest of Rossendale. Lancashire, woollen-printers-Fourdrinier and Co. Witford, Oxfordshire, paper- manufacturers; as far as regards E. N. Fourdrinier-Smith and Co. Bradford, York- shire, worsted-spinners -Gilchrist and Co. Glasgow, calico-printers.

BANEnurrs.-SAmum. Parrs, Hove, Sussex, carpenter, to surrender June 20,

July 20: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court, Chancery Lane; official assignee Johnson, Basinghall Street-GEORGE BUTLER, Nicholas Lane, auctioneer, June 22, July 20; solicitor, Butler, Tooley Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basingliall Street-Jome ALLEN, Courthorpe Terrace, Bermondsey New Road, grocer, June 22, July 20: so- licitor, May, Princes Street, Spitalfields ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street -WILLLiar SPELLER, Warwick Road West, Paddington, builder, June 19, July.19: solicitor, Vaughan, Porteous Road, Paddington; officialassignee, Stansfeld, Basing- hall Street-WILLIAM Anal', Great Tower Street, merchant, June 21, July 19: so- licitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Stansfeld, Ba- singhall Street-Turmas ROBINSON WARD, Wisbeach St. Peter, Cambridge, scri- vener, June 23, July 28: solicitors, Chubb and Co. South Square, Gray's Inn ; Watson, Wisbeach ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury - Jolts GREAT- WOOD, Birmingham, confectioner, June 27, July 20: solicitor, Brown, Birming- ham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Turmas Slums RESLER, Tiver- ton, grocer, June 22, July 20: solicitor, Partridge, Tiverton ; Head and Venn, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Oaanuar WILLAsis and HRNRY RAW- SON, Leeds, cloth-merchants, June 30, July 28: solicitors, Payne and Co. Leeds ; official aesignee, Young, Leeds-JAmEs Ressisix, Liverpool, wholesale clothier, June 26, July 17: solicitors, Anderson and Collins, Liverpool; Sale and Co. Man- chester; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-HUGH BARCLAY, Liverpool, com- mission-agent, June 26, July 24: solicitor, Yates jun. Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-WILLIAm WILKINSON and Co. Manchester, curriers, June 23, July 14: solicitors, Barker, Huddersfield; Bellhouse and Bond, Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester. ' DIVIDENDS.-July 4, Booth, Halifax, innkeeper-July 6, Long, Clifton, Bristol, hotelkeeper. CERTIFICATES.- To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-July 6, Roger,, Callington, Cornwall, surgeon-July 5, Robinson. South- lied, Lancashire, printer-July 6, Hughes, Wednesbury, Staffordshire, innkeeper- July 13, Winton and Co. Birmingham, agricultural-implement-makers. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDEND3.-Archer, Old King Street, Deptford, baker ; first div. of Hid. Thursday next, and the three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Ba- singhall Street-Hollamby, Hurtspierpoint, Surrey, grocer ; first div. of 11d. Thursday next, and the three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- George, Parker Street, Drury Lane, stage-coach-maker ; final div. of ltd. on Thurs- day next, and the three following Thursdays • Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Bal- linger, Birmingham, confectioner ; first div. of 2s. lit, any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham. Semen SEQUESTRATIONS.- Wilson, Dundee, merchant, June 22-Henderson and Paterson, Glasgow, wrights, June 23.

Friday, June 16. • PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Whitley and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manu- facturers-Bentley and Travis, Manchester, callenderers-J. and W. Casher, Ports- mouth ; as far as regards H. J. Canker-Newton and Co. Birmingham, linen-drapers; as far as regards W. Newton-Newton and Woodrow, Norwich, land-agents- Scannell and Deary, Broad Street, Ratcliffe, coopers-Wilkinson and Co. Hudders- field, tea-merchants-Addy and Hewitt, Dronfield, Derbyshire, coalmasters -N. and G. Crimp, Motcombe Street, Belgrave Square, butchers-J. and J. Hainsworth, Halifax, Yorkshire, brewers-Pritchard and Co. Leeds, woollen-manufacturers- Capel and Bramble, Bridewell Wharf, BLackfriars, coal-merchants -Goodison and Sons, Leeds, brush-manufacturers ; 83 far as regards G. Goodison-J. and E. Roberts, Rhuddlan, Fliutshire, coal-merchants-Page and 1Vildbore, Old Street, chemists.

33ANKBUPTCy ANNULLED. Wu I raM JOHNSON, Bradford, Yorkshire, butcher.

13Aximarrts -PETER THOMSON, Birchin Lane, merchant, to surrender June 22, July 25: Solic_tors, Scott and Combs, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-FILEDESICK GEORGE RICHAEmsON, Commercial Road, Lin:rehouse, timber-merchant, June 27, July 26: solicitor, Murray, London Street ; official as- signee, Graham' Coleman Street- Joux TODD MERRICK, Hereford Road, Westbourne Grove, builder, June 24, July 29: solicitor, Boyden, Queen Square ; official assignee, Pendell, Guildhall Chambers-LA.7mm. ALLEN, Peterborough, builder, June 24, July 29: solicitors, Wright, Gray's Inn; Wilkinson, Peterborough; official assig,nee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Thames BURTON, Hag,ley, Worcestershire, builder, June 26, July 17: solicitors, Homfray, lialesowen; Hodgson, Birmingham ; of- ficial assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Ram:Lanz GULSTON WOLLASTON, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire, surgeon, June 27, July 20: solicitors, Griffiths, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire; Blaney, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-ROBERT liEwsou, Louth, innkeeper, June 28, July 26: solicitors, Ingoldby and Bell, Louth; Wells and Co. Hull ; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-Joan -Coon, Beeralston, Devonshire, grocer, June 30, July 20: solicitors, Little and Wool. combs, Devonport; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Ricers:an Bruner; Liverpool, currier, June 28, July 17: solicitor, Bradley, Liverpool; official assignee, Clienove, Liverpool-JAmes Woes:ALL, Bolton, manufacturer, July 4, 31: solicitors, Atkinson and Co, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester- ALFRED 'BURROWS, Mile End, Stockport, silk-manufacturer, July 5, 20: solicitors, Parrott and Co. Macclesfield; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-James HOPE, Burnley, grocer, June 29, July 20: solicitor, Taylor, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester-Enwur ASHLEY, Manchester, smallware-manufacturer, June 26, July 24: solicitors, Haigh, Liverpool ; Sale and CO. Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-July 8, Burn, Sackville Street, tailor-July 7, Ashley, Coleman Street, Camberwell, victualler-July 7, Hewlett, Leyton„ Essex, cowkeeper-July 7, Button, liolhorn Bars, chemist-July 8, Grant, Cheapside, lithographer-July 8, Pratt, New Bond Street, upholsterer-July 8, Janett, Wickham Wellord, Berkshire, builder-July 8, Radford, Noble Street, warehouseman-July 8, Thorn, Piccadilly, surgeon-July 8, Emery, Brighton, victualler-July 12, M. and H. Emanuel, Llano- ter Square, goldsmiths-July 7, Booth, Bishopwearmouth, shipowner-July 8, Hig- ginbottom, Ashton-under-Lyne, scrivener-July 13, Byrom, Manchester, coal-pro- iinetor. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of inecting.-July 8, Radford, Noble Street, warehouseman-July 8, Clarke, Richmond Villas, Westbourne Grove, dealer in hay-July 7, Ashley, Coleman Street, Camber- well, victualler-July 8, Ramsay, Elgin Cresent, Kensington Park, builder-July 7, Burn, Sackrille Street, Piccadilly, tailor-July 11, Parkes, Golden Square, printer- July 11, Punka!, Ludgate Hill, biscuit-baker-July 10, Charles, Liverpool, importer of French and German goods-July 13, Bzierly, Oldham, cotton-spinners-July 10, Kirk, Middlesborough, hardwareman.

DECLARATIONS OP DivinErms.-Wilks, Crimscott Street, Bermondsey, wheel- wright; first div. of lls. 6d. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moorgate Street-Monies, Liverpool, merchant ; first die. of 5d. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool.

ficorca SMWESTRATIONS.-Taylor, Coupar-Angus, brewer, June 4-Mills, Dun- dee, seedsman, June 28-Carswell jun. Glasgow, might, June 28-Jamieson, Pais- ley, glazier, June 26-Hardie, Linlithgow, currier, June 27.