ANTI-IRISH MOB AT DosinnE.--Whether the fightbetween M'Kay and Byrne was
the origin, or only the pretext, we cannot exactly say, but the issue of it has led to numerous contests for superiority between the Scotch and Irish labourers in different parts of the North. In no case, however, have they been carried to so disgraceful an extent as at Dundee. On Tuesday last week, the mob beset the Roman Catholic
they damaged considerably, as well as the house of the and' 1 ly-respected pries,. Two factories were also at-
taar,44, ,Ter ..'uses inhabited by Irietunetr were broken open and the fart ; des: d. The/ attack on the factories we can account forsett " n e .en ha‘ .werywhere cheapened the Scotch in the labour-marl : Ii t te des: rreilLn of die chaise: is a stran6,2 exeinpli- ficat*i of the superior int, -,genc.N.of Sentlaud. The rarkof. Tuesday was dispersed by an opportehe spei:Ai from the Procurator-fiie-al,—made, as the Dundee Advertiser, with waggish minuteness; informs us, " from the top of a barrel ;" but next day they reassembled in as great power as ever. A number of special constables had in the mean time been sworn in, and by their aid and that of the ordinary police, several of the most violent rioters were seined. A number of the poor Irish were so alarmed during the riots, that they left the town, and passed the night iu the fields. To the credit, however, of the Dundee people, it must be said that these fears appear to have been groundless, for no personal violence was offered to any of them. For the use of such of our readers as interest themselves in Scotch poll. tics, we may here mention, that Dundee, though a large, stirring town, and a royal borough, is at present destitute of a local magistracy. The borough was disfranchised several months ago, by a sentence of the Ceurt of Session, as a punishment for iniquity committed by the cor. pored= at one of the annual elections. The disfranchisement does not annihilate the privileges of the town, but it holds them in abeyance. The power of restoring suspended animation to the body corporate is a prerogative of the Crown. The inhabitants have earnestly besought the King in Council, that the prerogative may be exerted, not in a mere re- storation of the old method of election—out of which, in fact, the exist- ing disfranchisement, as well as countless other troubles, have arisen—. but according to a system better adapted to the state of society, and in conformity with well-approved precedents in the similar cases of Stirling and Montrose. The members of the late magistracy and corporation profess to concur with the inhabitants of Dundee in this application to the Crown ; contriving, nevertheless, to inveigle them into an idle dis. cussion of the Royal prerogative, in the course of which, some chance for the exclusive benefit of the old monopolists may turn up. In the mean time, Dundee is not only, as we have said, without a municipal govern. ment of its own, but disqualified for taking any share in the manufac. ture of a member of Parliament at the general election.