WE have been favoured with a sight of this beautiful piece of portrait sculpture ; which is not quite finished, but only waits the finishing strokes of the master's chisel at another sitting, to perfect the resemblance. The face possesses an intelligent expression, and great animation ; and the features are chiselled with vigour and delicacy. The air and attitude are elegant, easy, and dignified, and the effect is strikingly natural. It is a very faithful portrait, and a fine work of art ; and is perhaps one of the most successful of Mr. CHANTREY'S busts of the Royal Family. The bust is relieved by a simple drapery only. One view of the profile exhibits a strong family likeness to GEORGE the Third. Mr. CHANTREY is now employed on a medallion from the profile of this bust for the new coin of WILLIAM the Fourth.
While at Mr. CHANTREY'S, we had an opportunity of seeing the colossal statue in bronze, twelve feet high, of the late Mr. PITT, to be erected in the centre of Hanover Square. Judging only from the unfaVonrable position in which we saw it, it is impossible to form an opinion of its effect when placed upon its pedestal ; but it appeared to possess that air Of grandeur and stately simplicity which should characterize a work of this description.
Mr. Citarr all' is also employed upon a colossal statue, in marble, nine feet in height, of the late King in his robes, for Windsor Castle ; a cast of which, in bronze, is also in progress, for the city of Edinburgh. ".
immense mmense figures are cast in two or three pieces only; an opera.. tion attended with many great difficulties—which are, however, lessened by every contrivance that ingenuity can invent. Indeed, Mr. CHANTREY'S extensive foundry is so complete as to be in itself worths visit ; and the process of casting is highly interesting.