17 JANUARY 1958, Page 27












ACROSS Drew hack in confusion about a broken link (8). Robert's a teetotaller, it seems, but he doesn't take to water (3-3).

His men are on the hoard (8).

I torn back, ungrammatically, on encountering spilt glue (6).

These lizards are very old (6).

In which one might expect to have a shifting balance (4, 4).

The laundress's reputation isn't necessarily involved in this (12).

'Still are thy pleasant voices, thy awake' (Cory) (12).

Enchantress cast off wasted away (8).

Writer who definitely has a point (6).

There's a girl in confusion (6).

'1 don't think much of the equipment,' the Arab might say prophetically (8).

Morning with the team around in the boat (6). Pale, the Editor turns back, now blushing! (8) DOWN

1 'The man the wart' saw, He dearly lov'd the lasses, or (Burns) (6)

2 I lead the -motor over us (6).

3 The man for a rag? (7) 4 'Unarm, -; the long (lay's task is done' (Shakespeare) 14).

6 Same red is used for these new-fashioned things (7).

7 A bit ofa swell with an uppish air in this country (8).

8 Successful strokes take time (8).

11 Not quite quite not quite a whale! (7) 14 A fair knock-out (7).

16 What poodle-owners do is news in brief (8).

17 Argue, Mat, about the name of a flower? (8) 19 Password to a pure woman's age? (7) 20 Thrilled in having been formerly summoned (7).

21 Attach your signature otherwise you arc an Italian! (6) 22 There's comfort in a military decoration (6). 25 The Girl from the Ministry? (4)

two prizes will he awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chainhers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a hook token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at 110011 011 January 28 mid addressed: Crossword Nu, 975, 99 Gower St., London, NCI.

Citambers's Twentieth Century Dielitnutry, New Version, is reconunended for Crosswords.

Solution on January 31 Solution to No. 973 on nag, 88

The winners 01 Crossword No. 973 are: Mas.PAL11.164, t • I-11,10y oad, Swindon, Wills. and Miss A. E. MILTFIV114. Mains of Megginch, Lrrol, Perth.