The operations in the English Funds have not been of an extraordinary cha- racter. The purchases of the Government-broker to a greater or less extent have been of daily occurrence. The general result of the week's business has been to establish a closing quotation of 971 for Consols both for Money and Account ; which is in effect the highest price of last week. The Three-and-a half per Cent Stocks have supported the recent improved quotations, and there does not appear to be so strong a conviction of the certainty of their reduction as existed some time since. Money still continues abundant, and the premium of Exchequer Bills has improved to 70n The Foreign Market has been the scene of unusual activity. On Wednes- day, intelligence was received of the attempt at a counter-revolution in Portu- gal; and the Converted Portuguese Bonds fell suddenly from 46 to 43i : a large purchase was afterwards effected at 44I; ; and the price has since fluc- tuated between 44 and 45. The prevailing impression appears to be, that the movement is not of very great importance : but the Stock Market must be kept in an uncertain state till the arrival of the next packet, which may be expected on Monday or Tuesday next. The long-expected West Indian steamer Avon has at length arrived ; bringing 57,500 dollars for the Mexican Dividends. This intelligence at first caused an improvement of 1 per cent in Mexican Bonds ; but when it became known that by the same conveyance the Mexican Govern- ment had sent a confirmation of the proceedings of their agents Messrs. LIZARDI and Co. with respect to the issue of Active and Deferred Stock, which was the subject of so much discussion in November and December 1842, and that an addition of more than 140,0001. will thus be made to the amount of Active Stock in circulation, while a further issue of 784,400L Deferred Stock is also authorized, the price of the Bonds declined rapidly ; and after being at 354, the Active Stock closes at 344, and the Deferred at 114 12. Spanish Stock has been comparatively steady, the fluctuation not having ex- ceeded .1 per cent.; and both varieties close this afternoon at the average price of the last few days. The Non-dividend South American Stocks have all been in very great demand ; Peruvian Bonds having risen from 26 to 321; at which latter price they stood this morning, but they do not close so firmly, being last quoted at 31. Buenos Ayres Bonds have partaken of the general impulse, and may be quoted at 37 to 39. The Colombian ex Vene- zuela have risen about 1 per cent, being quoted at 134 4. The Venezuela De- ferred Bonds are also in demand, at a slight advance; but the Venezuela Active Bonds are unchanged. We may add, that this improvement is purely the result of speculation, and not of political circumstances that may be considered as having imparted any additional value to the various descriptions of Bonds above referred to. It may also be as well to notice, that the arrival of dollars for the Mexican Agency, before alluded to, raises the amount now in hand applicable to the April Dividend to 230,000/, or rather more than one-third of the sum required to pay it. Railway Shares do not command so high quotations as recently. The ap- pointment of the Parliamentary Committee on this subject has alarmed some of the holders; in addition to which, there is a growing conviction among many persons that the Atmospheric principle of construction will, by enabling the formation and working of lines at a great reduction of cost, either force an unexpected competition with several of the leading lines now working at great profit, or compel the adoption of that principle upon these Railways themselves, at, of course, a very large present outlay. Hence there is not much disposition to purchase at the present high quotations.
SATURDAY, Two o'cLocr.
The English Funds close firmly at the morning's quotations. In the Foreign Market, considerable business has occurred in the South American Stocks, which close nearly as in the morning.
The business in Shares has been extensive, and generally there appears to be
The English Funds are without variation. In the Foreign Market, the South American Bonds continue favourite objects of speculation ; Colombian ex Venezuela having risen 1 per cent upon the closing prices of yesterday, and been as high as 141: this quotation was, however, but of momentary duration, the price having since fallen to 14, and is now 144. A report is current that ar- rangements are in progress for acceding to the terms proposed two years ago by the Committee of Bondholders, viz, that the Republic of New Grenada should pay an interest of 1 per cent per annum upon the Stock, to increase propor- tionally, after the manner of the Venezuelan debt ; but we cannot say how the report originated, or give any opinion as to its probable truth. The other cur- rent varieties are unchanged. The following transactions have occurred in Shares—Union Bank of Lon- don, 101; Eastern Counties Extension, 1; Birmingham, New, Quarter Shares, 271 ; South-western, 771 ; Croydon, 154; Manchester and Leeds, 114; Ditto and Birmingham, 401; Midland Counties, 87 6; South-eastern and Dover, 354 44; Ditto Scrip, 351. a disposition to sell all descriptions of Railway Security, as indicated by the decline that has occurred in several of the Shares. We have to notice the following transactions in addition to those given in the morning : Birmingham and Derby, 59; Ditto and Gloucester, 684 ; Eastern Counties, 121 ; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, New. 15; Great Western, 106; Hull and Selby, 591; Liverpool and Manchester Quarter Shares, Brighton, 54; 43 21; Birmingham, 234; Ditto Quarter Shares, 271; Ditto, Third Shares, 41; Croydon, 16; Manchester and Birmingham, 40; Norwich and Brandon, 44; Northern and Eastern, 354 44; North Midland, 884 6; Paris and Orleahs, 334; Ditto, and Rouen, 324; Rouen and Havre, 14i ; South-eastern and Dover, 34*; Ditto, Scrip, 344; Yarmouth and Norwich, 231; York and North Midland, 1194.
3 per Cent Consols;
971 1 Milian Deferred 50 2 Ditto fur Account
97+ 4 Colombian 6 per Cents,1824
3 per Cent Reduced
98* ; ex Venezuela 14
31 per Cent Ditto.
103 1
Danish 3 per Cents
86 7 New 31 per Cents
1021 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 554 Bank Stock
194 Ditto 5 per Cents ......
101* I
Exchequer Bills prem. 70 1 Mexican 5 per Cents Consul 344 India Stock
277 8
Poi tuguese New 5 p.Cts.1841 44* 51
Brazilian 5 per Cents
79 SO Russian 'per Cents 118 120
Belgian 5 per Cents 105 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents.
238 Chilian 6 per Cents
103 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 321