17 DECEMBER 1937, Page 16

The Waxwing Card

It is pleasant news that the succession of sanctuaries in Norfolk (mostly on the coast but one inland), will benefit greatly by the sale of this year's Christmas card published by the Naturalists' Trust. A great many of the cards haVe gone overseas. More were printed than ever before. The waxwing, which makes a beautiful colour picture, is likely to defeat the snow bunting, the shekirake, the goldfinch, the crossbill and others of its predecessors. It is an odd coincidence that the birds chosen have more than once responded to the compliment ; but in that respect the snow buntings still hold the lead. Waxwings, however, were unusually plentiful last season, and there are plenty of hips, for them this winter. The cards can be had from Sydney Long, M.D., Surrey Street, Norwich, at 41d. each, inclusive of postage and suitable envelopes.