17 DECEMBER 1887, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE ..SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Here is a curious corroboration of the opinion with regard to the future of Brazil expressed by the late Mr. Christie. In a letter of Darwin's, at p. 246 of Vol. I. of his " Life and Letters," he says :—" I never saw any of the diminutive Portu- guese, with their murderous countenances, without almost wishing for Brazil to follow the example of Hayti ; and, con- .eidering the enormous healthy-looking black population, it will be wonderful if, at some future day, it does not take place."—I

am, Sir, &c., E. M. S. [Darwin's prophecy is remarkable, though we cannot endorse his hope. A Brazilian Hayti would be an awful calamity.—En. Spectator.]