CAPTAIN WILLIAM KING, was appointed to command the Packets at Falmouth in April 1823, nearly nine years ago,—a situation worth, at least, 1,2001. a year. Why are not other officers to partake of so good a thing, by removing each at the end of three years, as is the case re- specting the command of ships ?
Again, is not this officer so notoriously hostile to Reform, as to at- tract the notice of the Chief Magistrate of the town he lives in, and to render his removal very important, unless Ministers approve of all the employes of Government using the Government influence to oppose the Government measures ?
Why are not the Lieutenants who command Packets also removed every three years ; and for the same reason—that others may have a chance of making money, and gaining experience?
Why is Captain MINGAYE allowed to bold the valuable appointment of Commander of the Coast Guard service for upwards of six years?
Captain BowsEs has been Comptroller-General of the same service for several years. Is this because he is the brother-in-law of Lord PAL- MERSTON ?
During the peace, Captain the Honourable Sir Robert Spenser (since dead) commanded.. 5 ships. Captain W. R. I I a milton 3 Lord Adolphus I• it zelarence 2 And now has the command of a yacht, the pay of which is equal to a
second-rate. Captain Dunn Captain Pigot And there are other instances : how are they to be explained?
Is there not a clause regularly introduced into the Mutiny Act, giving a Court-Martial power for desertion to BRAIsIll a soldier ? Has not this been done within a year or taro?
Why does not some member move for a return of the number of in- stances in the last ten years, and for the abolition of so disgraceful a punishment ?