Don PEDRO, who Ieft Oporto on the 26th July, arrived
at Lis- bon on the forenoon of the 28th. The British ships in the Tagus joined the Portuguese vessels and forts in firing a royal salute. Lisbon was illuminated; and PEDRO was unusually gracious, especially to Admiral NAPIER, on whom he bestowed numerous marks of attention. The Dukes of PALMELLA and TERCEIRA also had reason to be well satisfied with their reception. So far all was well ; but we find it stated in the Globe of last night, that PEDRO has appointed XAVIER CANDIDO his Minister for Foreign Affairs. Now this man is said to be disposed to gratify his was- ter's inclinations for wreaking vengeance on his opponents, or in other words, for getting up a reaction, instead of granting a gene- ral amnesty, which is the policy advocated by PALMELLA. But neither PALMELLA nor TERCEIRA have been appointed to any of ; and it is to be feared that PEDRO will be a most troublesome person to manage : the necessity for reinovin Sin* di- rection of affairs becomes more apparent with ylimeedest count of his proceedings otc. t
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The report of Marshal BOURMONT 'S resignation of the corn- 'nand of the Miguelite array turna out to be incorrect. He was still, at the date of the last accounts, besieging Oporto with con- siderable vigour; and another assault upon the city was daily ex- pected. CADAVAL, atathe head of three or four thousand Police, and General MoLzums, who commanded about fifteen hundred troops, still remained faithful to MIGUEL. Negotiations for the surrender of the latter had been opened without success. The most important intelligence, however, relative to the affairs of Portugal, was communicated by the Courier of Thursday,— mamely, that despatches were transmitted a few days ago from the Foreign Office, containing credentials to Lord WILLIAM Rus- SIELL, to act as Minister of Great Britain at the court of Donna MARIA. This proceeding may fairly he expected to have great effect in winning over the wavering to the side of the Queen ; and if France follows out example, as it may reasonably be supposed that she will do without delay, the Miguelite party is almost cer- tain to desert their leader, who is not a man to retain friends in adversity., A correspondence has been discovered at Lisbon between the Marchioness JURAMENH A, a Miguelite intrigante, and certain noble supporters of the same cause in London, in which some curious disclosures are made. It is also hinted in the Globe of last night, that the Minister of a neutral Foreign Power in Lon- don has been among the most active partisans in the same cause. The Spanish Minister is clearly the party alluded to.