17 APRIL 1915, Page 16


STE,—Hospitality for better-class Belgian refugees is the aspect of the Belgian refugee movement which still presents the most urgent need. To meet this need generous donations have already been made to Lady Lugard personally. By their means large houses have been organized as Belgian homes, rents have been paid for Belgians still possessing some small means of their own, and as far as possible acute necessities have been met As the donations increase in volume it has been thought desirable to form a small Hospitality Committee and to enter upon a somewhat wider scope of operations.

The principal object of the Hospitality Committee will he to develop an efficient system of boatels suitable for the reception of different classes of Belgian refugees. These form for the moment the crying need of the situation. The Committee will also continue to assist the very laudable desire of many Belgian refugees to live with a little help upon their own reduced resources. It will meet within the limits of its possibilities any new aspect of the situation which may arise. A part of the work on which Lady Lugard has been engaged has included the giving of comforts to the very poor. This branch of the work will he continued by the Hotpitality Committee, and it is asked that a small percentage of the donations for the purpose of hospitality may still be devoted to their use.

The members of the Hospitality Committee have all been occupied daily since the beginning of the war in dealing with the requirements of Belgian refugees, and it is hoped that the special acquaintance with the subject which has been so gained may enable us to employ to full advantage any money which may be entrusted to us for Belgian use.

We acknowledge with cordial thanks the contributions which have been received as enclosed list, and in doing so we would like to call attention to the fact that voluntary donations have been sent from China, as well as from Australia, Canada, and America, thus indicating the interest taken by the whole civilized world in the task of con- solation in which the country is engaged. Cheques may be sent to Lady Lugard, 51 Rutland Gate, S.W., and crowd "Lady Lugard Hospitality Fund."—We are, Sir, he.,


P.5.—The houses which have up to the present time been started under this Fund are Harrington Home, 13 Ken- Singlets Palace Gardena, 40 Belgians; Hombre House, 70 Princes Gate, S.W., 53; King's Weigh House Parsonage, Thomas Street, 25; 68 Marquess Road, Canonbury, 13; total, 13L Twenty-six families have been also provided with flats.