17 APRIL 1915, Page 15


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Srn,—We hear a great deal now of the ehortage of labour on the land and of the openings for female workers in agriculture and horticulture. This, is being appreciated by the classes concerned, at any rate in London, and several girls have applied to the Boys' Country Work Society for country employment, six of whom have been placed satisfactorily. This is only a drop in the ocean, but to deal with this matter on an adequate scale entails an extension of the Society's

activities which is quite beyond its financial power. This may well be regretted, for the Boys' Country Work Society would have peculiar advantages if it were able to take up work of this character. It has the experience gained in the last nine years, daring which it has placed eleven hundred London boys on farms; it is in close touch with the Labour Exchanges and with farmers in many counties; last, but by no means least, it has a number of Honorary Country Secretaries (all but three of them ladies) who visit the lads on the farms and see that they are being properly treated and looked after. All this organization is available for similar work among London girls, but the Society's present income—entirely derived from voluntary subscriptions—is hardly adequate for its present needs.

Believing, however, that its experiences and machinery— particularly the co-operation of the Lady Country Secretaries —will enable the Boys' Country Work Society to render assistance to the State by finding suitable places in the country for girls who want to work in the country, we ask for such donations as will enable us to face the nece.ssary expenses involved. These work out at about Ll 17s. 6d., including outfit, for each of the two hundred and fifty-three boys placed last year. We therefore ask for sufficient support to enable this experiment of placing girls on farms to be tried on an adequate scale. Donations will be gratefully received by the Hon. Treasurer, Boys' Country Work Society, 7 John Street A.delphi, W.C.—We are, Sir, he, FORTESCIIH, Chairman.

FRANCIS Moeurs, Vice-Chairman. HAIGHICT WANTAGE, Hon. Treasurer.