BRIDPORT. It is said that Mr. Rolt, the eminent Chancery barrister, "is to succeed Mr. Baillie Cochrane."
CRELTENHAH. Sir Willoughby Jones has formally accepted an invitation to contest the borough, and has repaired to the scene of contest. He will support Lord Derby, but not in Protection, as he is satisfied after watching, that Free-Trade has conferred a benefit on the country.
EvERSHAM. Lord Marcus Hill has surprised the electors by announcing ids intention to retire from Parliamentary life, in obedience to the increasing celf.laims on him of a young family. Mr. Grenville Berkeley has offered him- s
lIsuessume, Sorra. At a meeting of the county Liberals in Southamp- ton where Lord Palmerston was present, it was resolved to support Sir George Staunton, a Free-trader.
EMIT. A " very strong rumour" is prevalent that Mr. Whatman, the Free-trade candidate for Maidstone, will be withdrawn thence, and introduced to the county, vice Hodges. SHREWSBURY. Mr. Blaney has issued an address stating that he will re- tire from- public life at the end of this session. He says that declining years warn him of the propriety of turning his thoughts to matters of more solemn interest than the strife of politics. Iona. Mr. Robert Pashley, Queen's counsel, has addressed a large meet- ing, as a Free-trader and a Liberal Reformer of the Ballot-desiring school. liocerearrn.
EDINBURGH. Sir William Gibson Craig announces his intended retire- ment; and the conductors of Edinburgh elections have been commissioned ty a public meeting to seek a Liberal Anti-Maynooth candidate. Mr. Waren has announced that he will stand again. The Lord Provost him- self has also been mentioned. Before the meeting on Wednesday, the Min- burgh Post said that Lord John Russell sad ospects in Edinburgh, in con- junction with Mr. M'Laren.
Guest:tow. Mr. IdiGregor has issued an address in which he judiciously says— "Considering the strife and expenses of a doubtful election, and however painful to my feelings it will be to be no longer your representative, I deem it just to you, and as a common-sense decision on my part, not to ask you again to elect me unless so full a manifestation shall be made by yourselves that there may be no cause to apprehend a defeat." MONTROSE. Dr. Burnes, with equal prudenv and good feeling, has de- clined to molest Mr. Hume, the "ancient friend" of his late father. ORSNEy. Mr. Inglis, the Solicitor-General, has returned from his can- vass; and the Scotsman surmises that the canvass has been an unsuccessful one. In his address Mr. Inglis disclosed that the Protectionist Miniatry have allowed him to retain his Free-trade principles.
Cormanat Lord Naas has acceded to a request that he will stand for re- election.
Down COUNTY. At a meeting in Newtownards, it was announced by the chairman, Mr. Guy Stone, "from an authority which he knew to be um- exceptionable," that Lord Castlereagh would allow himself to be put in no- mination -' and a letter from Mr. Sharman Crawford was read, which stated, that if he were returned "freely by the county, and not as the result of so- licitation on his part, in any shape or form,' he should feel it his duty to accept the office, in order to use in Parliament the great moral power with which his return by such a constituency would arm him in furtherance of the "just settlement of the great question of landlord and tenant." DUNDALT. It is said that Mr. Byrne will withdraw, in favour of Mr. George Bowyer, the English barrister; whose conversion to Romanism has rendered impossible his return for a small borough in an English county, where his family property, and high personal character, would have secured his return as a Protestant.
New Ross. The Defence Association has declared against Sir Thomas Redington, with particular emphasis. After his address, in which he stated that he had always opposed the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, and would vote for its repeal, Roman Catholic electors wrote to the Association for advice. Mr. Wilberforce replied- " There is no class of candidates, of whatever political er religious profession, whom this Association will more strenuously oppose, than that to which Sir Tho- mas Bedington belongs,—namely, Catholics who, professing Liberal politics, sold themselves to support and serve an Administration which was passing a penal law against their own religion, and passing it with many gratuitous and unnecessary circumstances of studious insult and disrespect. It is essential that the Catholic electors of New Ross, by hearty union among themselves, and by sacrificing minor differences and individual wishes, should snake the return of such a candidate im- possible."