17 APRIL 1830, Page 6


THE ingenious chronicler of these races remarks, in his bulletin datei " Sunday, three o'clock," that a vast number of grooms and saddle-horses had been sent in (together, or separately,) whence a brilliant meeting was anticipated ; and, no doubt, without grooms and saddle-horses, a race would be a poor thing at best. The Ritldlesworth seems to have afforddd great sport. The competitors were a Hebrew, a Turk, and a Greek,- Zillah, Mahmoud, and Cressida ; there were two Christians, but they soon dropped behind, and a Cobweb that attempted to stick to the skirts of the winner was swept away at the end of the two-year-old course. Cressida won, some say with difficulty, but this is disputed : we had hopes that in the course of the week so important a doubt would be resolved, but have been disappointed. In the Craven, which were run the same day, we are sorry to say that rank appears at a woful discount,—Zinganee, his Majesty's own favourite horse, was beaten by one belonging to a gentleman bearing the terribly plebeian name of Batson ! The defeat is involved in mystery 4 and the attempt to clear it up, by attributing it to an accident in starting, is very lamely made, and evidently for the mere purpose of soothing down the feelings of the regal stallion. We hope there is nothing ominous in it.

Cadland, the ancient opponent of Zinganee, was beat also : this is some comfort, especially as Cadland belongs to a Duke. Were there any of the members of the " Union" at the race ? Cressida, we may remark, is also a commoner ! In fact, these people have it all their own way ; we have little doubt that they will have the Derby as they had the Riddlesworth and the Craven !

Among the numerous aristocratic spectators of their own downfal, were the following :—

Prince Esterhazy, Duke and Duchess of Richmond, Itike of Portland, Duke of Graf- ton, Duke of Rutland, Marquis and Marchioness of Worcester, Marquis of Exeter, Marquis of Cleveland, Count Du Val, Lords Verulam, G. Bentinek, Anson, Orford, Jersey, Lowther, Gray, Wilton, James Fitzroy, Cavendish, Sefton, John Fitzroy, Cecil, Stradbroke, Mounteharles, Ranelagh, C. Manners, C. Somerset.

Monday, April 12. The Craven Stakes of 10 sovereigns each • for 2-yr-olds, Cat.; 3 yrs, Sat. 41b.; 4 yrs, Set. 131b. ; 3 yrs, fist. 51b. ; 6 yrs and aged, 9st. filb. A. F. Mr. Batson's Seraph, 3 yrs ... : ..... ..... . ..... 1 His Majesty's Ziliganee.. 2 The folldwing also started, hot were not placed:— Lord Sefton's Bobadilla, 4 yrs.

Dnke of Rutland's Cadland, 4 yrs.

Mr. Petre's b. h. Glenfinlas, 3 yrs.

General Grosvenor's b. c., by Wrangler out of Georgina, 2 yrs.

Mr. Henry's b. c., by Nicol° out of Isabella, 3 yrs. Mr. Hunter's gr. 1. Christina, by Gustavus, 2 yrs.

Mr. Angerstein's b. f. Function, sister to Lapdog, 2 yrs.

The betting previous to the race this morning was svirited in the extreme, and settled as follows :-7 to 4 on Zinganee (taken) , 3 to I agst Cadland : 8 to I agst Seraph, and 8. to 1 agst Bobadilla. Bobadilla took the lead at a great pace, having Butterfly and Isa- bella close to her ; Seraph and Cadland were about theee or four lengths astern, and Zin- ganee about as for behind them. They maintained this position to the Abingdon Mile. - bottom,where Seraph began to train uporillobadilla ; Glenfinlas was also well up, and the 2-year olds gave way. Cadland also got up a little ; Seraph continued creeping up, and when about a hundred yards from home was a-head : here Chifney made a terrific:rush with Zinganee, passed Robadilla, and gut to within hail a length of Seraph, just as they were at the running-post, and by this was he defeated.

The Riddlesworth Stakes, of 200 sovereigns each, h. ft. (being the sixteenth) for the produce of mares covered in 1S26; i:olts, Sat. 71b., fillies, Sat. 41b. Ab. ILL Untried mares or stallions allowed 31b.

Mr. Chifney's c. by Emilios, out of Cressida Lord Exeter's Mahmoud

The followingalso started, but were not placed—Duke of Grafton's Brambilla; Lord Sefton's c. by Emillus, out of Sal ; Lord Jersey's f., by Coma, out of Cobweb; Lord Anson's Zillah, by Whisker. Betting at starting, 6 to S agst Cressida, 5 to 1 agst Mahmond,6 to I agst Cobweb, 6 to 1 agst Brambilia, 1010 I at Sal, and 16 to I agst Zillah. The running was made at a strong pace by Zillah, next to whom were Mahmoud and Cobweb, Cressida lying behind with BrambiLla and Sal : they maintained this position to the end of the two-year old 'course, where a change took place, Brambilla and Sal were here beat off; and Cobweb tailed im- mediately after. Cressida then went right to the front, and for a moment had a lead of about a length ; but as if aware that he was premature, the rider suddenly stopped his horse, and Zillah again was a-head. Directly after Mahmoud passed the latter, and about 100 yards from home, Buckle made his push, which terminated in his winning the race by a length.

Tuesday, April 13.

The Bildeston Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. Colts, Sat. 71b.; and fillies, 8st.41b. Foals of 1827. R. M.

Mr. Batson's ch. c. Suffolk Punch, by Wrangler Mr. It. Wilson's b. f., by Wrangler, out of Primrose.. ......... 2 Mr. Ramsbottom's b. f. Timandra, by Wrangler ....... . . 3 General Grosvenor's hr. C. Senior, by Wrangler.. 4 6 to 4 on Punch, and 4 to 1 agst Pinwire (taken.) Punch had it all his own way, and won in a canter,by three lengths—rode by Wheatley, Pinwire by Arnull, Timandra by Robinson, and Seniorby J. Day.

The Oatirind's Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft. D. I.

Duke of Rutland's Oppidan, 4 yrs, tist ...... . 1 Duke of Richmond's Rough Robin, 4 yrs, Sat. 81b. 2

Lord Sefton's Souvenir, a yrs, Sat. . .......... . 3

Mr Cooke's Flacrow,i yrs, 7st.61b. . ... • ...... 4 Mr. Batson's Discovery, 3 yrs, 6st. 121b..... ..... 5 The following paid :—Zinganee, Pat. 21b.; Cadland, Set. Mb.; Sir Hercules, 8st. ; Green Mantle, Sst. ; Aaron, ist. 21b.; and Bobadilla, fist- 51b.

3 to I agst Discovery, 5 to 2 agst Rough Robin, 7 to 2 agst Souvenir, and 5 to I agst Oppidan (taken freely.) Wednesday. April 14.

The Column Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft., for the produce of Mares covered in 1626; colts, Set. 71b. fillies, 8st.41b. R. M. Allowances as for the Riddlesworth.

Chifney's Priam, 8st.41b. ........ ......... ......... . . 1 Lord Exeter's Augusta, bst. 21b.... .......... ...... 2 Duke of Rutland's f., by Middleton sister to Adeliza, 8st.. ..... 0

Mr. Stonehewer's The Fairy, 7st. ............... 0 Lord Grosvenor's Thermometer, Sst. 41b..... ..................... 0

Lord Verulam's f., by Whalebone—Venous, Set. Ilb. ..... . 0

Duke of Rutland's c., by Tiresias Emily, 8st. 71b. ....... 0 All the above started, but only two placed. Won by a head.

The racing this afternoon was full of interest, and the betting heavier than on either of the preceding days. The Column stakes terminated as was generally expected, but the style in which Priam won it was very different from the Riddlesworth race. The betting at starting was 5 to 2 and Ste 1 on Priam, 7 to 1 agst Duke of Portivnd's, S to 1 agst Augustus, 10 to I agst Thermometer, and 12 to I agst Fairy.

Thursday, April 15.

The Claret Stakes of 200 sovereigns each, h. ft.; for colts, fist. 71h.; Shies, Set. 2113. DJ. Lord Langford's Sir Hercules . ......... ......... ..... 1 Lord Sefton's Morris Dancer ....... . ....... 2 Lord G. Cavendish's Spaniard (Espagnolle) ......... ..... 0

Mr. Hunter's c., by Gustavus—Canvass ....... . ..... . 0 Lord Exeter's Patron ...... . ... . Pd. Sir Hercules won cleverly.

The odds were 5 to 4 agst Sir Hercules, even on Morris Dancer, and 6 to 1 agst Spa- niard (taken). Morris Dancer made play at going off, the pace for the first half mile being indifferent, after that it became severe, Morris Dancer still leading till they got half way within the Duke's Stand. Sir Hercules then came out, and a short struggle ter- minated lathe latter being declared the winner by a length.

Friday, April 16. The Port Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. ; colts, 8st. 71b. ; fillies, fist. 41b.; T. M. 3!. the owner of the second horse to save his stake. Ten subscribers.

Lord Exeter's Green Mantle (Conolly) Mr. Rush's Rhoda colt.... .. .. . . 2 Lord Exeter's Varna

6 to 4 on Varna, 3 to 1 agst Green Mantle, and 4 to I agst Rhoda. A good race and won cleverly at last by a length. Lord Exeter declared to win with Varna.


1)erby-5 to 1 agst Mr. Chifney's Prism; 6 to 1 agst Mr. Petre's Brunswicker ; 9 to 1 agst Lord G. Cavendish's Mouse colt; 1010 1 agst Sir Af. Wood's The Mummer; 12 to 1 agst Sir M. Wood's Cetus ; 13 to 1 agst Lord Exeter's Augustus; 17 to 1 agst Mr. Gully's Red Rover; 20 to 1 agst Lord Exeter's Mahmoud—taken ; 25 to 1 agst Lord Lord Exeter's Red Rover ; 25 to 1 agst Lord Verulam's Varennes colt; 24 to 1 agst Lord Sligo's Brine ; 30 to 1 agst Mr. Ramsbottom's Zuchare111; SO to 1 agst Lord Sefton's Captain Arthur. Oaks-5 to 1 agst Lord Sefton's Mouche ; 5 to 1 agst Lord Queensberry's Maria ; 8 to 1 agst the Duke of Grafton's Brambilla. r.t is now alleged that Brambilla was amiss when she ran for the Ridelesworth. St. Leger,-9 to I against Mr. Chifney's Priam 9 to I agst Lord Cleveland's Baby; 13 to 1 atest Mr. Petre's Brunswicker ; 14 to 1 agst Duke of Leeds's Lady Mowbray; 20 to 1 agst Lord Queensberry's Hassan—taken; 25 to 1 agst Lord Queensberry's Maria ; 25 to 1 asrqt Duke of Leeds's Redstart—taken.

There were numerous sweepstakes and matches during the meeting, which our crowded columns compel us to leave unrecorded ; there was no- thing in any of them that calls for particular notice.