1 5- noors or SHREWDITESS.—A trial to set aside a will occupied
Mr.. r ..---YusuF Pactra.—It is said in the last accounts from Constantinople, that this Turkish worthy, who surrendered to the Russians at Varna, under rather suspicious circumstances, is about to return to Constantinople, and that he will be restored to his rank and honours.
IMPORTATION OP SPICE.—The Briton, Captain Gordon, which left Tampico on the 15th Feb. has brought home 800,000 dollars on account of the merchants.
ENGLISH ABSENTEES—A French paper, Le Propagateur d' Arras, states, that at no period since 1815, has the balance of Cockney imports and exports at Calais been so decidedly against the sister country, as during the last three weeks ; in one of which, 1,095 English left (going homeward) and only 505 arrived at that port.]
JusivEns.—The following is from a recently published account of the battle of Waterloo, by Captain Kincaid. We hope we shall hear no more of American wonders after this. "Two of our men, on the morning of the 19th, lost their lives by a very melancholy accident. They were cutting up a captured ammunition-waggon for firewood, when one of their stvords, strik- ing against a nail, sent a spark among the powder. When I looked in the direction of the explosion, I saw the two poor fellows about twenty or thirty feet up in the air. On falling to the ground, though lying on the backs or bellies, some extraordinary effort of nature, caused by the agony of the mo- ment, made them spring from their position, five or six times, to the height of eight or ten feet, just as a fish does when thrown on the ground after being newly caught. It was so unlike a scene in real life, that it was impossible to witness it without forgetting for a moment the horror of their situation. I ran to the spot with others, and found that everystitch of clothes had been burnt off, and they were black as ink all over. They were still alive, and told us their names, otherwise we could not have recognized them ; and, singular enough, they were able to walk off the ground with a little support, but died shortly after."